the xiph open source community

Icecast is free server software for streaming multimedia.


Icecast Current Release (2.4.3)

The latest Icecast release can be downloaded below. For Windows there is a binary release in an installer, for Linux/UNIX we provide the sources.

Linux/Unix Binary Packages

Most current Linux and Unix distributions provide either prebuilt binary packages or a way to build your own package of Icecast.
This is the preferred way to install Icecast, as distribution packaging is tuned to make Icecast fit well into your system. In most cases packaging will also provide necessary scripts/files to make Icecast start as a service on boot.
For details please refer to the package repository section of your distribution’s fine manual.

Official packages of current Icecast

Other Releases

Older Releases

Older releases can be found here

Source Clients

In addition to Icecast, you will most likely need to download a source client for creating the actual stream. We suggest that you download one from our third-party applications page.

Clone Git Repository

Additionally to the release tarballs we have a public git repository where we do our development, that anyone can clone.

To get the latest development state:

git clone --recursive

If your git version does not support --recursive clones, do

git clone
cd icecast-server
git submodule update --init

For further instruction, see our Wiki page: Icecast Git Workflow

Icecast Library/Language Bindings

Library Description Download
libshout Library which can be used to write a source client like ices Latest: 2.4.1 (tar.gz)
libshout-java Java libshout binding Github Repo
shout-python Python bindings for libshout 2 Latest: 0.2.1 (tar.gz)
shout-perl Perl bindings for libshout 2 Latest: 2.1 (tar.gz)
ruby-shout Ruby bindings for libshout 2 Github Repo
ocaml-shout OCaml bindings for libshout2 Releases
shoutpy shoutpy uses Boost.Python to expose libshout 2 to Python, through a separately usable C++ wrapper Bitbucket Repo