## Process this with automake to create Makefile.in AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign if HAVE_OSS ossheaders = im_oss.h osssources = im_oss.c endif if HAVE_SUN_AUDIO sunheaders = im_sun.h sunsources = im_sun.c endif SUBDIRS = avl thread net log timing bin_PROGRAMS = ices #noinst_HEADERS = config.h input.h im_playlist.h signals.h stream.h reencode.h encode.h playlist_basic.h logging.h im_stdinpcm.h $(ossheaders) $(sunheaders) event.h stream_shared.h metadata.h process.h #ices_SOURCES = input.c config.c stream.c ices.c signals.c im_playlist.c reencode.c encode.c playlist_basic.c im_stdinpcm.c $(osssources) $(sunsources) stream_shared.c savefile.c metadata.c stream_rewrite.c process.c noinst_HEADERS = config.h input.h im_playlist.h signals.h stream.h encode.h playlist_basic.h logging.h process.h $(ossheaders) im_stdinpcm.h ices_SOURCES = input.c config.c stream.c ices.c signals.c im_playlist.c encode.c playlist_basic.c process.c output.c $(osssources) im_stdinpcm.c savefile.c ices_LDADD = net/libicenet.la thread/libicethread.la log/libicelog.la\ avl/libiceavl.la timing/libicetiming.la LIBS = @LIBS@ -lpthread @SOCKET_LIBS@ @XML_LIBS@ @OGG_LIBS@ @VORBIS_LIBS@\ @VORBISENC_LIBS@ @SHOUT_LIBS@ CFLAGS = @CFLAGS@ @XML_CFLAGS@ @OGG_CFLAGS@ @VORBIS_CFLAGS@ @SHOUT_CFLAGS@ INCLUDES = -Inet -Ithread -Iavl -Ilog -Itiming $(OSS_CFLAGS) $(SUN_CFLAGS) # SCCS stuff (for BitKeeper) GET = true debug: $(MAKE) all CFLAGS="@DEBUG@ @XML_CFLAGS@ @OGG_CFLAGS@ @VORBIS_CFLAGS@ @SHOUT_CFLAGS@" profile: $(MAKE) all CFLAGS="@PROFILE@ @XML_CFLAGS@ @OGG_CFLAGS@ @VORBIS_CFLAGS@ @SHOUT_CFLAGS@"