******************************************************************** * * * THIS FILE IS PART OF THE Ogg BITSTREAM LAYER SOURCE CODE. * * USE, DISTRIBUTION AND REPRODUCTION OF THIS SOURCE IS GOVERNED BY * * THE GNU LESSER/LIBRARY PUBLIC LICENSE 2, WHICH IS INCLUDED WITH * * THIS SOURCE. PLEASE READ THESE TERMS DISTRIBUTING. * * * * THE Ogg SOURCE CODE IS (C) COPYRIGHT 1994-2000 * * by Monty and The XIPHOPHORUS Company * * http://www.xiph.org/ * * * ******************************************************************** WHAT'S HERE: This source distribution includes libogg and nothing else. Other modules (eg, the modules vorbis, vorbis-tools and vorbis-plugins for the Vorbis codec) contain the codec libraries for use with Ogg bitstreams. Directory: ./lib The source for libogg, an LGPLed inplementation of the public domain Ogg bitstream format ./include Library API headers and codebooks ./debian Rules/spec files for building Debian .deb packages ./doc Ogg specification documents WHAT IS OGG?: Ogg project codecs use the Ogg bitstream format to arrange the raw, compressed bitstream into a more robust, useful form. For example, the Ogg bitstream makes seeking, time stamping and error recovery possible, as well as mixing several sepearate, concurrent media streams into a single physical bitstream. CONTACT: The Ogg homepage is located at 'http://www.xiph.org/ogg/'. Up to date technical documents, contact information, source code and pre-built utilities may be found there. BUILD: A standard build should consist of nothing more than: ./autogen.sh make and as root if desired : make install This will install the Ogg libraries (static and shared) into /usr/local/lib, includes into /usr/local/include and API manpages (once we write some) into /usr/local/man. Monty $Id: README,v 1.5 2000/10/10 08:55:07 xiphmont Exp $