selectQuery('SELECT `id`, `listen_url` FROM `server` WHERE `checked` = 0;'); while (!$res->endOf()) { try { printf("Processing %s...\n", $res->current('listen_url')); // Get the URL $url = @parse_url($res->current('listen_url')); if (!$url) { throw new ToDeleteException(); } // Now, verify! if (empty($url['scheme']) || $url['scheme'] != 'http' || !array_key_exists('host', $url) || !preg_match('/^.*[A-Za-z0-9\-]+\.[A-Za-z0-9]+$/', $url['host']) || preg_match('/^(10\.|192\.168\.|127\.)/', $url['host'])) { throw new ToDeleteException(); } // Check if this is a radionomy host. // If yes, trust it blindly as they can't figure out their IDS and constantly fail checks and destabilize listings. if (preg_match('/^streaming20.\$/', $url['host'])) { $ok = true; } else { // Try to open a connection to the server $ok = false; $count = 0; while ($count < 3 && !$ok) { $fp = @fsockopen($url['host'], array_key_exists('port', $url) ? $url['port'] : 80, // as per HTTP RFC $errno, $errstr, 3); if (!$fp) { $count++; continue; } // Now send a request $req = sprintf("GET %s HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", $url['path']); $r = fwrite($fp, $req); if (!$r || $r != strlen($req)) { fclose($fp); $count++; continue; } $r = 0; $headers = array(); do { $data = fgets($fp); if (trim($data) != '') { list($header, $value) = explode(':', $data); $headers[strtolower(trim($header))] = trim($value); } $r++; } while (trim($data) != '' && $r < 10); // Extremely dangerous, disabled. /* if (!array_key_exists('server', $headers) || !stristr($headers['server'], 'icecast')) { throw new ToDeleteException(); }*/ fclose($fp); $count++; $ok = true; } } if (!$ok) { throw new ToDeleteException(); } // If we're here, everything's ok. $sql = 'UPDATE `server` SET `checked` = 1, `checked_at` = NOW() WHERE `id` = %d;'; $sql = sprintf($sql, $res->current('id')); $db->noReturnQuery($sql); } catch (ToDeleteException $e) { // TODO: remove the stream echo("Delete it! ".$res->current('listen_url')."\n"); /* $sql = 'UPDATE `server` SET `checked` = 2, `checked_at` = NOW() WHERE `id` = %d;'; $sql = sprintf($sql, $res->current('id')); $db->noReturnQuery($sql);*/ $server = Server::retrieveByPk($res->current('id')); if ($server instanceOf Server) { $mp_id = $server->getMountpointId(); $mountpoint = Mountpoint::retrieveByPk($mp_id); $server->remove(); if ($mountpoint instanceOf Mountpoint && !$mountpoint->hasLinkedServers()) { $mountpoint->remove(); } } } $res->next(); } } catch (SQLNoResultException $e) { echo "OK.\n"; } ?>