## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign INCLUDES = -I../lib -I$(top_srcdir)/include @OGG_CFLAGS@ EXTRA_PROGRAMS = latticebuild latticepare latticehint\ latticetune huffbuild distribution CLEANFILES = $(EXTRA_PROGRAMS) LDFLAGS = -static LDADD = ../lib/libvorbis.la latticebuild_SOURCES = latticebuild.c vqgen.c bookutil.c\ vqgen.h bookutil.h latticepare_SOURCES = latticepare.c vqgen.c bookutil.c vqsplit.c\ vqgen.h bookutil.h latticehint_SOURCES = latticehint.c bookutil.c\ bookutil.h latticetune_SOURCES = latticetune.c vqgen.c bookutil.c\ vqgen.h bookutil.h huffbuild_SOURCES = huffbuild.c vqgen.c bookutil.c\ vqgen.h bookutil.h distribution_SOURCES = distribution.c bookutil.c\ bookutil.h EXTRA_DIST = residue_entropy auxpartition.pl debugvq: $(MAKE) vq CFLAGS="@DEBUG@" profilevq: $(MAKE) vq CFLAGS="@PROFILE@" vq: $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_PROGRAMS)