# This is a temporary makefile used for testing this branch until the merge # completes. It doesn't use the config system etc, so should be considered # a poor relation to doing it properly. # # Use: # # make -f Makefile.rjw # # This relies on ogg/ogg.h, tremolo/codec_internal.h and tremolo/ivorbiscodec.h # being available on the VPATH. Personally I copy them into the rjw directory. VPATH = examples:lib:lib/dec:lib/yuv2rgb:tests:rjw:lib/arm CC = arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc AS = arm-none-linux-gnueabi-as STRIP = arm-none-linux-gnueabi-strip CFLAGS = -Iinclude -Iinclude/ogg -I../Tremolo -Irjw CFLAGS += -Ilib -Ilib/dec -Ilib/tremolo -Ilib/yuv2rgb CFLAGS += -O3 -mfpu=neon -mcpu=cortex-a8 CFLAGS += -DOC_LIBOGG2 -D_ARM_ASSEM_ TREMOLOLIB = ../Tremolo/libTremoloL.lib all: testtheora clean: rm build/* # Compilation rule build/%.o: %.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ # Assembly header rule build/ARMoptions.s: lib/arm/ARMoptions.s ./arm2gnu.pl < $< > $@ # Structure offset header rule build/ARMoffsets.s: lib/arm/ARMoffsets.s ./arm2gnu.pl < $< > $@ # Assembly rule build/%.o: lib/arm/%.s build/ARMoffsets.s build/ARMoptions.s ./arm2gnu.pl < $< > build/$*.S $(CC) -Ibuild $(CFLAGS) -c build/$*.S -o $@ $(STRIP) -x $@ theoraobjs = \ build/apiwrapper.o \ build/ARMbitwise2.o \ build/decapiwrapper.o \ build/decinfo.o \ build/decode.o \ build/ARMdecode.o \ build/dequant.o \ build/ARMfrag.o \ build/fragment.o \ build/huffdec.o \ build/idct.o \ build/ARMidct.o \ build/info.o \ build/internal.o \ build/ARMpp.o \ build/quant.o \ build/state.o \ build/ARMstate.o \ build/testtheora.o # Unused files # build/floor1ARM.o \ # build/mdctARM.o \ testtheora: $(theoraobjs) $(TREMOLOLIB) $(CC) $^ -o $@ -Wl,-d,-Map,testtheora.map