## Process this with automake to create Makefile.in AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign SUBDIRS = avl thread httpp net log timing bin_PROGRAMS = icecast noinst_HEADERS = admin.h cfgfile.h logging.h sighandler.h connection.h \ global.h util.h slave.h source.h stats.h refbuf.h client.h \ compat.h fserve.h xslt.h yp.h event.h md5.h \ auth.h auth_htpasswd.h auth_url.h \ format.h format_ogg.h format_mp3.h format_ebml.h format_opus.h\ format_vorbis.h format_theora.h format_flac.h format_speex.h format_midi.h \ format_kate.h format_skeleton.h icecast_SOURCES = cfgfile.c main.c logging.c sighandler.c connection.c global.c \ util.c slave.c source.c stats.c refbuf.c client.c \ xslt.c fserve.c event.c admin.c md5.c \ format.c format_ogg.c format_mp3.c format_midi.c format_flac.c format_ebml.c\ auth.c auth_htpasswd.c format_kate.c format_skeleton.c format_opus.c EXTRA_icecast_SOURCES = yp.c \ auth_url.c \ format_vorbis.c format_theora.c format_speex.c icecast_DEPENDENCIES = @ICECAST_OPTIONAL@ net/libicenet.la thread/libicethread.la \ httpp/libicehttpp.la log/libicelog.la avl/libiceavl.la timing/libicetiming.la icecast_LDADD = $(icecast_DEPENDENCIES) @XIPH_LIBS@ @KATE_LIBS@ AM_CFLAGS = @XIPH_CFLAGS@ AM_CPPFLAGS = @XIPH_CPPFLAGS@ AM_LDFLAGS = @XIPH_LDFLAGS@ @KATE_LIBS@ debug: $(MAKE) all CFLAGS="@DEBUG@" profile: $(MAKE) all CFLAGS="@PROFILE@"