## Process this with automake to create Makefile.in AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign 1.6 SUBDIRS = log timing thread avl bin_PROGRAMS = ices AM_CPPFLAGS = @XIPH_CPPFLAGS@ AM_CFLAGS = @XIPH_CFLAGS@ EXTRA_ices_SOURCES = im_oss.c im_sun.c im_alsa.c if HAVE_OSS oss = im_oss.c endif if HAVE_SUN_AUDIO sun = im_sun.c endif if HAVE_ALSA alsa = im_alsa.c endif dist_noinst_HEADERS = cfgparse.h input.h inputmodule.h im_playlist.h signals.h stream.h reencode.h encode.h playlist_basic.h logging.h im_stdinpcm.h event.h stream_shared.h metadata.h audio.h resample.h im_sun.h im_oss.h im_alsa.h ices_SOURCES = input.c cfgparse.c stream.c ices.c signals.c im_playlist.c reencode.c encode.c playlist_basic.c im_stdinpcm.c stream_shared.c metadata.c playlist_script.c audio.c resample.c $(oss) $(sun) $(alsa) ices_LDADD = log/libicelog.la \ timing/libicetiming.la \ thread/libicethread.la \ avl/libiceavl.la \ @ALSA_LIBS@ @XIPH_LIBS@ debug: $(MAKE) all CFLAGS="@DEBUG@" profile: $(MAKE) all CFLAGS="@PROFILE@"