## Process this with automake to create Makefile.in AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign 1.6 if HAVE_THREAD MAYBE_THREAD = thread MAYBE_THREAD_LIB = thread/libicethread.la endif if HAVE_THEORA MAYBE_THEORA = theora.c endif if HAVE_SPEEX MAYBE_SPEEX = speex.c endif SUBDIRS = avl net timing httpp $(MAYBE_THREAD) lib_LTLIBRARIES = libshout.la libshout_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info 5:0:2 EXTRA_DIST = theora.c speex.c noinst_HEADERS = shout_ogg.h shout_private.h util.h libshout_la_SOURCES = shout.c util.c ogg.c vorbis.c mp3.c $(MAYBE_THEORA) $(MAYBE_SPEEX) AM_CFLAGS = @XIPH_CFLAGS@ libshout_la_LIBADD = net/libicenet.la timing/libicetiming.la avl/libiceavl.la\ httpp/libicehttpp.la $(MAYBE_THREAD_LIB) $(THEORA_LIBS) $(VORBIS_LIBS) INCLUDES = -I$(top_builddir)/include debug: $(MAKE) all CFLAGS="@DEBUG@" profile: $(MAKE) all CFLAGS="@PROFILE@"