BUILDING FROM SOURCE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You must install libshout 2.0 before building ices. Get it from the same place you found ices, or from Do ./configure, optionally with --with-perl, --with-python and --with-lame, if you want support for them (but configure will try to detect them automatically). If for some reason the configure script doesn't find the include files for python, perl or lame, you have to specify the path to these with --with-something-includes and --with-something-libraries. ./configure --help will help you out with the exact syntax for those options. I installed lame as a debian package so lame.h is in /usr/include/lame/lame.h and libmp3lame.a is in /usr/lib. configure finds everything automatically. Then, do 'make' and everything should be fine. Optionally do a 'make install' which installs all the ices stuff. BUILDING FROM CVS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you're installing ices from cvs, you need to do something like this: cvs co ices ./ make And you'll hopefully have a ices binary in src/ For config files, ices depends on libxml2. Make sure you've got xml-config in your path. For playlist handlers, ices can optionally use python or perl. Add --with-python or --with-perl, to the configure script if you want this enabled. For reencoding, you'll need libmp3lame, and the --with-lame* options in configure. That works fine for me most of the time, but I wouldn't exactly call it stable. Check the ./configure --help options for this. Good luck.