# SCons build specification from glob import glob import os import SCons def svnversion(): f = os.popen("./version.sh") version = f.read().strip() f.close() return version pkg_version="0.28" #pkg_version +="+svn" + svnversion() pkg_name="ffmpeg2theora" scons_version=(1,2,0) try: EnsureSConsVersion(*scons_version) except TypeError: print 'SCons %d.%d.%d or greater is required, but you have an older version' % scons_version Exit(2) opts = Variables() opts.AddVariables( BoolVariable('static', 'Set to 1 for static linking', 0), BoolVariable('debug', 'Set to 1 to enable debugging', 0), ('prefix', 'install files in', '/usr/local'), ('bindir', 'user executables', 'PREFIX/bin'), ('mandir', 'man documentation', 'PREFIX/man'), ('destdir', 'extra install time prefix', ''), ('APPEND_CCFLAGS', 'Additional C/C++ compiler flags'), ('APPEND_LINKFLAGS', 'Additional linker flags'), BoolVariable('libkate', 'enable libkate support', 1), BoolVariable('crossmingw', 'Set to 1 for crosscompile with mingw', 0) ) env = Environment(options = opts) Help(opts.GenerateHelpText(env)) pkg_flags="--cflags --libs" if env['static']: pkg_flags+=" --static" env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-static"]) if env['crossmingw']: env.Tool('crossmingw', toolpath = ['scons-tools']) prefix = env['prefix'] if env['destdir']: if prefix.startswith('/'): prefix = prefix[1:] prefix = os.path.join(env['destdir'], prefix) man_dir = env['mandir'].replace('PREFIX', prefix) bin_dir = env['bindir'].replace('PREFIX', prefix) env.Append(CPPPATH=['.']) env.Append(CCFLAGS=[ '-DPACKAGE_VERSION=\\"%s\\"' % pkg_version, '-DPACKAGE_STRING=\\"%s-%s\\"' % (pkg_name, pkg_version), '-DPACKAGE=\\"%s\\"' % pkg_name, '-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64' ]) env.Append(CCFLAGS = Split('$APPEND_CCFLAGS')) env.Append(LINKFLAGS = Split('$APPEND_LINKFLAGS')) if env['debug'] and env['CC'] == 'gcc': env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-g", "-O2", "-Wall"]) if GetOption("help"): Return() env.PrependENVPath ('PATH', os.environ['PATH']) def ParsePKGConfig(env, name): if os.environ.get('PKG_CONFIG_PATH', ''): action = 'PKG_CONFIG_PATH=%s pkg-config %s "%s"' % (os.environ['PKG_CONFIG_PATH'], pkg_flags, name) else: action = 'pkg-config %s "%s"' % (pkg_flags, name) return env.ParseConfig(action) def TryAction(action): import os ret = os.system(action) if ret == 0: return (1, '') return (0, '') def CheckPKGConfig(context, version): context.Message( 'Checking for pkg-config... ' ) ret = TryAction('pkg-config --atleast-pkgconfig-version=%s' % version)[0] context.Result( ret ) return ret def CheckPKG(context, name): context.Message( 'Checking for %s... ' % name ) if os.environ.get('PKG_CONFIG_PATH', ''): action = 'PKG_CONFIG_PATH=%s pkg-config --exists "%s"' % (os.environ['PKG_CONFIG_PATH'], name) else: action = 'pkg-config --exists "%s"' % name ret = TryAction(action)[0] context.Result( ret ) return ret conf = Configure(env, custom_tests = { 'CheckPKGConfig' : CheckPKGConfig, 'CheckPKG' : CheckPKG, }) pkgconfig_version='0.15.0' if not conf.CheckPKGConfig(pkgconfig_version): print 'pkg-config >= %s not found.' % pkgconfig_version Exit(1) if not conf.CheckPKG("ogg >= 1.1"): print 'ogg >= 1.1 missing' Exit(1) if not conf.CheckPKG("vorbis"): print 'vorbis missing' Exit(1) if not conf.CheckPKG("vorbisenc"): print 'vorbisenc missing' Exit(1) if not conf.CheckPKG("theoraenc >= 1.1.0"): print 'theoraenc >= 1.1.0 missing' Exit(1) XIPH_LIBS="ogg >= 1.1 vorbis vorbisenc theoraenc >= 1.1.0" if not conf.CheckPKG(XIPH_LIBS): print 'some xiph libs are missing, ffmpeg2theora depends on %s' % XIPH_LIBS Exit(1) ParsePKGConfig(env, XIPH_LIBS) FFMPEG_LIBS=[ "libavdevice", "libavformat", "libavcodec >= 52.30.0", "libpostproc", "libswscale", "libavutil", ] if os.path.exists("./ffmpeg"): pkg_path = list(set(map(os.path.dirname, glob('./ffmpeg/*/*.pc')))) pkg_path.append(os.environ.get('PKG_CONFIG_PATH', '')) os.environ['PKG_CONFIG_PATH'] = ':'.join(pkg_path) env.Append(CCFLAGS=[ '-Iffmpeg' ]) if not conf.CheckPKG(' '.join(FFMPEG_LIBS)): print """ Could not find %s. You can install it via sudo apt-get install %s or update PKG_CONFIG_PATH to point to ffmpeg's source folder or run ./get_ffmpeg.sh (for more information see INSTALL) """ %(" ".join(FFMPEG_LIBS), " ".join(["%s-dev"%l.split()[0] for l in FFMPEG_LIBS])) Exit(1) for lib in FFMPEG_LIBS: ParsePKGConfig(env, lib) if conf.CheckCHeader('libavformat/framehook.h'): env.Append(CCFLAGS=[ '-DHAVE_FRAMEHOOK' ]) KATE_LIBS="oggkate" if env['libkate']: if os.path.exists("./libkate/misc/pkgconfig"): os.environ['PKG_CONFIG_PATH'] = "./libkate/misc/pkgconfig:" + os.environ.get('PKG_CONFIG_PATH', '') if os.path.exists("./libkate/pkg/pkgconfig"): os.environ['PKG_CONFIG_PATH'] = "./libkate/pkg/pkgconfig:" + os.environ.get('PKG_CONFIG_PATH', '') if conf.CheckPKG(KATE_LIBS): ParsePKGConfig(env, KATE_LIBS) env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-DHAVE_KATE', '-DHAVE_OGGKATE']) else: print """ Could not find libkate. Subtitles support will be disabled. You can also run ./get_libkate.sh (for more information see INSTALL) or update PKG_CONFIG_PATH to point to libkate's source folder """ if conf.CheckCHeader('iconv.h'): env.Append(CCFLAGS=[ '-DHAVE_ICONV' ]) if conf.CheckLib('iconv'): env.Append(LIBS=['iconv']) if env['crossmingw']: env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-Wl,-subsystem,windows']) env.Append(LIBS=['m']) elif env['static']: env.Append(LIBS=['m', 'dl']) env = conf.Finish() # ffmpeg2theora ffmpeg2theora = env.Clone() ffmpeg2theora_sources = glob('src/*.c') ffmpeg2theora.Program('ffmpeg2theora', ffmpeg2theora_sources) ffmpeg2theora.Install(bin_dir, 'ffmpeg2theora') ffmpeg2theora.Install(man_dir + "/man1", 'ffmpeg2theora.1') ffmpeg2theora.Alias('install', prefix)