#!/usr/bin/perl -w use Tk; use Tk qw(exit); use IPC::Open2; use Config; use strict; use vars qw($basedir $moddir $libdir $fontfile $toplevel $orient $stack $background $foreground); # current install strategy: plop ourselves somewhere line # /usr/local/mgm. Make sure the mgm entry that is found in the path # is a symlink to the absolute path of the actual Perl script. That # way, $0 will be a full path. $basedir=$0; # find the real mgm, not a symlink while(defined(my$test=readlink($basedir))){$basedir=$test}; # strip off the filename $basedir=~s/\/?([^\/]*)$//; $basedir="./"if($basedir eq ""); # assume the other schtuff we need is in the standard places. $moddir="$basedir/modules"; $libdir="$basedir/lib"; $fontfile="$libdir/helvetica2.xpm"; $0="moaning-goat-meter"; # OK, this is evil. #$|=1; $toplevel=new MainWindow(-class=>'Mgm'); # get us our logo xpm my$mgmlogoH=$toplevel->Pixmap(-file => "$libdir/mgm-small.xpm"); my$mgmlogoV=$toplevel->Pixmap(-file => "$libdir/mgm-vertical.xpm"); my%modules; my%instances; my@ordered; my$Xname=$toplevel->Class; require "$libdir/widget"; $toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname*background", '#202020',20); $toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname*foreground", '#a0a0a0',20); $toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname*borderwidth", 0,10); $toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname*relief", 'flat',10); # adj of 100% result in config demand of 50 pixels $toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname.lendemand", '25',20); # adj of 100% result in config demand of 12 pixels per bar $toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname.widdemand", '12',20); $toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname.stack", 'horizontal',20); $toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname.bars", 'vertical',20); $toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname*textpad", '1',20); $toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname*widgetpad", '2',20); $toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname*font", '-*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-8-*-*-*-*-*-*-*',20); $toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname*labelsize", '9',20); $toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname*active", 'true',20); $toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname*reconfig", 'true',20); $toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname*order", 1000,20); $toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname*scale", 'true',20); $toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname*scalejustify", '1',20); $toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname*scalethresh", '4',20); $toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname*scalelenadj", '100',20); $toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname*scalewidadj", '100',20); $toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname*scalecolor", 'yellow',20); $toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname*scalescroll", 'true',20); $toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname*scalerefresh", '1000',20); $toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname*scalereturn", '8',20); # 2 seconds $toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname*dimbackground",'#414676',20); $toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname*litbackground",'#74ade7',20); $toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname*bar*dimrelief", 'flat',20); $toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname*bar*litrelief", 'raised',20); $toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname*bar*label", "fill in",20); $toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname*bar*ratio", '1.2',20); # suck in command line resources while(my $arg=shift @ARGV){ $arg=~s/-(\S*)$/$1/; if($arg){ my$val=shift; $toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname*$arg", "$val",80); } } $orient=$toplevel->optionGet("bars",""); $stack=$toplevel->optionGet("stack",""); $background=$toplevel->optionGet("background",""); $foreground=$toplevel->optionGet("foreground",""); $toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname*dimforeground", "$background",20); $toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname*litforeground", "$background",20); $toplevel->configure('-background'=>"$background",'-foreground' =>"$foreground"); # hack to set geometry when specified in .Xresources; reinstance can't # do this, or we'll 'creep' on reconfig my$geometry=$toplevel->optionGet("geometry",""); if(defined($geometry)){ $toplevel->geometry($geometry); } # three stages: 1) get module references and extract how many to build # 2) make module instances, extract geometry # 3) draw modules, place and run my($actualx,$actualy,$renderflag,$renderx,$rendery); my($minx,$miny,$reqx,$reqy,$ladj,$wadj); $renderflag=0; &LoadModules($moddir,$Config{'osname'}); # platform specificmodule references &reinstance(); Tk::MainLoop(); ######################################################################### sub max{ my$val=shift; while(my$test=shift){$val=$test if $test>$val} $val; } sub min{ my$val=shift; while(my$test=shift){$val=$test if $test<$val} $val; } # load the modules sub LoadModules{ my($prefix,$dir)=@_; $prefix=~s{/\s*$}{}; # strip trailing slash # get the filenames in $prefix/ my $searchdir="$prefix/$dir"; if(opendir(D,$searchdir)){ my$file; my@files; while(defined($file=readdir(D))){ if(substr($file,0,1) ne '.'){ if(substr($file,0) ne 'CVS'){ push @files, $file; } } } closedir(D); # sort/load the modules (we need deterministic load order, in # this case alphabetical) foreach $file (sort @files){ print "loading module $file...\n"; &LoadModule($searchdir,$file); } }else{ print STDERR "Unable to open plugin directory $searchdir: $!\n"; } } sub LoadModule{ my($path,$filename)=@_; if(open(PL,"$path/$filename")){ undef $/; my$script=; close PL; $/="\n"; my $moduleref= eval $script if (defined($script)); if(defined($moduleref)){ # The hash returned is an object. It defines the following methods: # module_init => set up basic config, once per mod. # Call that now # module_instance => set up instance of module # module_run => draw the module and start timers # module_update => run at refresh interval # Be certain we've not already loaded this plugin. my$name=$moduleref->{"name"}= ucfirst ((split /::/,ref $moduleref)[-1]); $moduleref->{"toplevel"}=$toplevel; $moduleref->{"xclass"}="$Xname*$name"; # class name if(defined($modules{$name})){ print STDERR "Module $name already loaded.\n"; return(0); } $modules{$name}=$moduleref; # dummy; Tk doesn't let us look up resources for windows # that don't exist. $moduleref->{"widget"}=$toplevel->Label(-class=>$name); # call init; this sets up the module, but not an instance my$ret=eval {$moduleref->module_init}; if(!defined($ret)){ print STDERR "Error eval()ing ->module_init for $name:". "$@\n"; 0; }else{ 1; } }else{ print "Error loading module $path/$filename: $@\n"; } }else{ print "Error opening module $path/$filename: $!\n"; } } # decide how many instances to build and what order they appear in sub order_modules{ # Build the order-of-appearance list my$count=0; foreach my $key (sort (keys %modules)){ # each order entry may have more than one location my$act=&moption($modules{$key},'active'); if($act eq 'true'){ my$opt=&moption($modules{$key},'order'); my@l=split ',', $opt; foreach my $loc (@l){ $instances{"$loc $count"}=$modules{$key}; $count++; } } } @ordered= sort {my($A,$AA)=(split ' ',$a); my($B,$BB)=(split ' ',$b); if($A==$B){ $AA <=> $BB }else{ $A <=> $B }} keys %instances; } # build module instances from the module refs sub instance_modules{ my$count=0; foreach my $key (@ordered){ my $mod=$instances{"$key"}; my$this={ map{("$_"=>$mod->{"$_"})}keys %$mod}; bless $this, (ref $mod); # dummy; Tk doesn't let us look up resources for windows # that don't exist. $this->{"xpath"}="$Xname.$count"; # window name $this->{"widget"}=$toplevel->Label(Name=>$count, -class=>$this->{"name"}); my$ret=eval {$this->module_instance}; if(!defined($ret)){ if(!defined($@)){ print STDERR "->module_instance for ". ($mod->{name})." returned undef: instance already ". "exists (or module forgot to set return val)\n"; }else{ print STDERR "Error eval()ing ->module_instance for ". ($mod->{name}).": $@\n"; } undef $instances{$key}; }else{ $instances{$key}=$ret; } $count++; } } # extract minimum and requested geometries to do some pre-placement sub geometries{ my$minx=0; my$miny=0; my$ladj=0; my$wadj=0; my$wdemand=$toplevel->optionGet("widdemand",''); my$ldemand=$toplevel->optionGet("lendemand",''); foreach my $key (@ordered){ my $mod=$instances{$key}; if(defined($mod)){ my $active=&moption($mod,"active"); my $pad=&moption($mod,"widgetpad"); if($active eq 'true'){ if($stack eq $orient){ $wadj=&max(1,&max($wadj,&moption($mod,"scalewidadj"))); $ladj+=&max(1,&moption($mod,"scalelenadj")); }else{ $ladj=&max(1,&max($ladj,&moption($mod,"scalelenadj"))); $wadj+=&max(1,&moption($mod,"scalewidadj")); } if($stack eq 'vertical'){ my$tempx=&moption($mod,'minx')+$pad*2; $minx=$tempx if ($minx<$tempx); $miny+=&moption($mod,'miny'); $miny+=$pad; }else{ my$tempy=&moption($mod,'miny')+$pad*2; $miny=$tempy if ($miny<$tempy); $minx+=&moption($mod,'minx'); $minx+=$pad; } } } } if($orient eq 'vertical'){ ($minx,$miny,int($minx+($wadj/100*$wdemand)), int($miny+($ladj/100*$ldemand)),$ladj,$wadj); }else{ ($minx,$miny,int($minx+($ladj/100*$ldemand)), int($miny+($wadj/100*$wdemand)),$ladj,$wadj); } } # final layout and widget creation sub build_and_run{ # calculate demand/sizes my$extrax=$actualx-$minx; my$extray=$actualy-$miny; my$extradelx=0; my$extradely=0; if($orient eq 'vertical'){ $extradelx=$extrax/$wadj if($wadj>0); $extradely=$extray/$ladj if($ladj>0); }else{ $extradelx=$extrax/$ladj if($ladj>0); $extradely=$extray/$wadj if($wadj>0); } # determine new logo size and placement. # unmap old widgets my$i=0; my$pos=0; foreach my $key (@ordered){ my $mod=$instances{$key}; if(defined($mod)){ my $pad=&moption($mod,"widgetpad"); my $justify=&moption($mod,"scalejustify"); my$x; my$y; my$width; my$height; my$xlocaldemand; my$ylocaldemand; if($orient eq 'vertical'){ $xlocaldemand=&max(1,&moption($mod,"scalewidadj")); $ylocaldemand=&max(1,&moption($mod,"scalelenadj")); }else{ $xlocaldemand=&max(1,&moption($mod,"scalelenadj")); $ylocaldemand=&max(1,&moption($mod,"scalewidadj")); } # note that some versions of Tk have an off by one error # positioning along the south border. Always use nw # anchors for safety when possible even if the math is # annoying if($stack eq 'vertical'){ $width=$minx+$extradelx*$xlocaldemand-$pad*2; $height=&moption($mod,"miny")+ $extradely*$ylocaldemand; $x=$pad+ ($justify-1)/-2*($actualx-$pad*2-$width); $y=$pos+$pad/2; $pos+=$height+$pad; }else{ $width=&moption($mod,"minx")+ $extradelx*$xlocaldemand; $height=$miny+$extradely*$ylocaldemand-$pad*2; $y=$pad+ ($justify+1)/2*($actualy-$pad*2-$height); $x=$pos+$pad/2; $pos+=$width+$pad; } # these are controlled by us and needed in the object anyway, # so we set them $mod->{"width"}=$width; $mod->{"height"}=$height; $mod->{"placex"}=$x; $mod->{"placey"}=$y; $mod->{"sequence"}=$i; $mod->{'widget'}->placeForget; } $i++; } # pop in the logo while we render. Rendering takes a while. my $logoframe=$toplevel->Canvas(width=>$actualx,height=>$actualy, borderwidth=>0,highlightthickness=>0, background=>'#404040')-> place(-anchor=>"nw",'-x'=>0,'-y'=>0); if($actualx>$actualy){ $logoframe->createImage($actualx/2,$actualy/2, -image=>$mgmlogoH,-anchor=>'center'); }else{ $logoframe->createImage($actualx/2,$actualy/2, -image=>$mgmlogoV,-anchor=>'center'); } $toplevel->update(); # build the widgets in order, then render the new # instances. Destroy old widgets as they're no longer needed foreach my $key (@ordered){ my $mod=$instances{$key}; if(defined($mod)){ $mod->{"widget"}->destroy; undef $mod->{"widget"}; my$ret=eval{$mod->module_run}; if(!defined($ret)){ print STDERR "Error eval()ing ->module_run for ". ($mod->{"name"}).": $@\n"; }else{ # destroy the resource dummy/old widget $mod->{"widget"}=$ret; # must store the widget } } $i++; $toplevel->update(); if($actualx!=$renderx || $actualy!=$rendery){last} } # make the logo go away $logoframe->destroy(); # map/schedule the new widgets foreach my $key (@ordered){ my $mod=$instances{$key}; if(defined($mod)){ my$ret=$mod->{'widget'}; if(defined($ret)){ $ret->place('-x'=>$mod->{'placex'}, '-y'=>$mod->{'placey'},-anchor=>'nw'); my$refresh=$ret->optionGet("scalerefresh",""); $ret->repeat($refresh,sub{$mod->module_update}) if($refresh && ref($mod)->can('module_update')); } } } } # this could be reentrant as we do toplevel updates during rendering. # Make sure we DTRT. # this is also called to render placemant and sizing for the initial # mapping of the the toplevel. sub resize{ my($toplevel,$width,$height)=@_; if($width!=$actualx || $height!=$actualy){ # set size; $actualx=$width; $actualy=$height; # create a new crop if(!$renderflag){ # not async reentrant. Don't need to worry about atomicity. $renderflag=1; while($renderx!=$actualx || $rendery!=$actualy){ $renderx=$actualx; $rendery=$actualy; &build_and_run; } $renderflag=0; } } } # this hook rebuilds all the module instances in case a reconfigure # happened. Not especially efficient, but it's a drop int he bucket # compared to the full re-render that has to happen anyway. sub reinstance{ # blow away the current instances. # unmap, undef each instance from instances. foreach my $key (keys %instances){ my $mod=$instances{$key}; if(defined($mod)){ # call widget destructor $mod->{'widget'}->destroy; undef $mod->{'widget'}; # call instance destructor $mod->destroy() if (ref($mod)->can('destroy')); # undef undef $instances{$key}; } } # undef the ordering undef @ordered; &order_modules; # extract how many to build &instance_modules; # make copies of the references and build # complete instances $actualx=-1; $actualy=-1; $renderx=-1; $rendery=-1; ($minx,$miny,$reqx,$reqy,$ladj,$wadj)=&geometries; #extract new geometry # do we resize? Our approach is clean but perhaps impractical; if # the geometry has been forced, we obey that even if the size is # below the forced minimums. Thus a random reconfigure could # spontaneously break things. eit. Caveat user. $toplevel->minsize($minx,$miny); $toplevel->resizable('TRUE','TRUE'); my$geometry=$toplevel->optionGet("geometry",""); if(defined($geometry)){ $geometry=~m{(\d*)x(\d*)}; $reqx=$1;$reqy=$2; }else{ $toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname.geometry", $reqx.'x'.$reqy,20); $toplevel->geometry($reqx."x".$reqy); } $toplevel->bind('MainWindow','',[\&resize,Ev('w'),Ev('h')]); # all set. Build the widgets and start the timers &resize($toplevel,$reqx,$reqy); } sub moption{ my($mod,$option)=@_; $mod->{"widget"}->optionGet($option,""); }