WHAT'S HERE: This source distribution includes the vorbis tools and nothing else. Other modules (eg, the modules vorbis, vorbis-tools and vorbis-plugins for the Vorbis codec) contain the codec libraries for use with Ogg bitstreams. Directory: ./oggenc the ogg vorbis encoder ./ogg123 an ogg vorbis commandline audio player ./vorbiscomment a comment editor ./debian debian packaging stuff CONTACT: The Ogg Vorbis homepage is located at 'http://www.xiph.org/ogg/vorbis/'. Up to date technical documents, contact information, source code and pre-built utilities may be found there. BUILDING FROM CVS: ./autogen.sh make and as root if desired : make install This will install the Ogg libraries (static and shared) into /usr/local/lib, includes into /usr/local/include and API manpages (once we write some) into /usr/local/man. BUILDING FROM TARBALL DISTRIBUTIONS: ./configure make and as root if desired : make install BUILDING RPMS: RPMs may be built by: after autogen.sh or configure make dist rpm -ta vorbis-tools-.tar.gz