*************************** REQUIREMENTS ************************** Linux RealPlayer 8 (for any available platform). Perl 5 (for the Snatch Robot) with File::Glob, Tk8 and a couple of other modules that are standard in most Perl installs. File::Glob didn't become included by default until Perl 5.6.0, so at least 5.6.0 is recommended. A compiler, GCC heavily recommended. *************************** COMPILATION *************************** libsnatch has to be compiled. It isn't actually worthy of a Makefile at this point. gcc -O2 -shared libsnatch.c -o libsnatch.so All the dynamic libs libnatch needs are sucked in from RealPlayer. The Snatch Robot need not be compiled as it's a Perl script. *************************** INSTALLATION ************************** The only two important bits to install are libsnatch.so and the Snatch Robot. Installation consists of: 1) Put the Snatch Robot ('Snatch') wherever you want it. Somewhere in the path is recommended. /usr/local/bin/ usually does nicely. 2) Stick libsnatch.so where Snatch Robot can find it. The places Snatch Robot searches by default are: /usr/local/lib/libsnatch.so /usr/lib/libsnatch.so ~/snatch/libsnatch.so ~/.snatch/libsnatch.so The Snatch Robot will need to find RealPlayer too. If it's not in the path, you can deal with that after starting Snatch. ***************************** EXAMPLES **************************** To install Snatch in your home directory (doesn't need root) tar -xvzf snatch-20011112.tgz cd snatch-20011112 gcc -O2 -shared libsnatch.c -o libsnatch.so mkdir ~/.snatch mv libsnatch.so ~/.snatch mv Snatch ~/ run Snatch with ~/Snatch To install Snatch for the whole system (as root) tar -xvzf snatch-20011112.tgz cd snatch-20011112 gcc -O2 -shared libsnatch.c -o libsnatch.so mv libsnatch.so /usr/lib/ mv Snatch /usr/bin/