See INSTALL file for instruction on how to install Speex. The Speex project aims to build an open-source patent-free voice codec. Unlike other codecs like MP3 and Ogg Vorbis, Speex is specially designed for compressing voice at low bit-rates for applications such as voice over IP (VoIP). In some sense, it is meant to be complementary to the Ogg Vorbis codec. Although we aim at providing a patent-free codec, we strongly suggest you have a look at patent issues if you are thinking about using Speex commercially. The speech coding field is a real patent minefield and the scope and enforceability of all these patents is sometimes unclear, not to mention that each country has different laws. To use Speex: % speexenc [-n or -w] input_file.sw compressed_file.spx % speexdec compressed_file.spx output_file.sw where -n is for narrowband (8 kHz sampling) and -w is wideband (16 kHz sampling). All audio files are assumed to be raw (no header) 16-bit PCM files. To convert a .wav file into this format: % sox my_file.wav -t sw my_file.sw Note that if the original sampling frequency of the wav is not 8 kHz or 16 kHz, you will need to add "-r 8000" or "-r 16000" (without the quotes). To create a .wav file: % sox -t sw my_file.sw my_file.wav