%define name @PACKAGE@ %define ver @VERSION@ %define rel 1 Summary: An open-source, patent-free speech codec Name: %name Version: %ver Release: %rel Copyright: LGPL Group: Application/Devel Source: http://download.sourceforge.net/speex/%{name}-%{ver}.tar.gz URL: http://speex.sourceforge.net/ Vendor: Speex Packager: Jean-Marc Valin (jean-marc.valin@hermes.usherb.ca) %description Speex is a patent-free audio codec designed especially for voice (unlike Vorbis which targets general audio) signals and providing good narrowband and wideband quality. This project aims to be complementary to the Vorbis codec. %prep %setup %build export CFLAGS='-O3' ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-shared --enable-static make %install make install %files /usr/lib/libspeex* /usr/bin/speexenc /usr/bin/speexdec /usr/include/speex.h /usr/include/speex_bits.h