## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in SUBDIRS = #python docdir = $(datadir)/doc/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION) built_docs = static_docs = vp3-format.txt color.html doc_DATA = $(built_docs) $(static_docs) doxygen-build.stamp EXTRA_DIST = $(built_docs) $(static_docs) spec Doxyfile.in CLEANFILES = $(built_docs) if HAVE_DOXYGEN doxygen-build.stamp: Doxyfile $(top_srcdir)/include/theora/*.h doxygen touch doxygen-build.stamp else doxygen-build.stamp: echo "*** Warning: Doxygen not found; documentation will not be built." touch doxygen-build.stamp endif dist_docdir = $(distdir)/libtheora dist-hook: if test -d libtheora; then \ mkdir $(dist_docdir); \ for dir in libtheora/*; do \ b=`basename $$dir`; \ if test $$b != "CVS"; then \ if test -d $$dir; then \ mkdir $(dist_docdir)/$$b; \ for f in $$dir/*; do \ cp -p $$f $(dist_docdir)/$$b; \ done \ fi \ fi \ done \ fi install-data-local: doxygen-build.stamp $(mkinstalldirs) $(docdir) if test -d libtheora; then \ for dir in libtheora/*; do \ if test -d $$dir; then \ b=`basename $$dir`; \ $(mkinstalldirs) $(docdir)/$$b; \ for f in $$dir/*; do \ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$f $(docdir)/$$b; \ done \ fi \ done \ fi uninstall-local: rm -rf $(docdir) clean-local: if test -d libtheora; then rm -rf libtheora; fi if test -f doxygen-build.stamp; then rm -f doxygen-build.stamp; fi