The is the readme for the icecast2 yp directory cgi script. ---------------------------------------------------------- currently this is a work in-progress... Dependencies : - libxml2 - mysql client libs - libcgi Please make sure you have these libraries installed before building the code. Cron Jobs : There are 3 cron jobs that need to run. 1. yp_clean - this should run every 5 minutes. It goes through the DB and will purge any hanging entries. 2. yp_random - I had this running every 30 or 60 mins..It will go through the DB and randomize the rankings. This will effectively rotate those streams that are listed on the main page. 3. yp_cachegen - This generates the file yp.xml which needs to be placed in the root of This is what many app-based stream browsers are using to access the directory data. Back on MF, this was running every minute. Currently, the location of the output yp.xml is specified in the source code (right now it's "yp.xml", so it will dump it wherever your CWD happens to be when you run it). You can change it in the source code by looking for the line : xmlSaveFormatFileEnc("yp.xml", doc, encoding, 1); You could alternatively create a wrapper script that chdirs to the webroot of, then runs yp_cachegen. Your choice. In all 3 cases, the db connection info is specified in the source code itself, and is set to connect to database "oddsock", using username "oddsock" with NO password. This has the nice effect of not having to make sure the password to the DB is not committed to SVN. Recreating the DB : In some cases (on MF) the Mysql DB would get horribly corrupted and the yp database needed to be completly rebuilt. I have a simple SQL script (icecast2yp/sql/reset_db.sql) that can be run like : % mysql -uoddsock < icecast2yp/sql/reset_db.sql This will drop and recreate all the tables in the DB, which will usually clear up any corruption issues. All the icecast servers are configured to automatically relist in the case that you rip out their listing from underneath them. You can also use this to create the database schema on a fresh install. In general, with the 3 cronjobs running, the YP pretty much runs without any intervention....It's run for months on end without a single activity on my part. And the only things I've had to do maintenance-wise is occasionally run the "reset_db.sql" SQL when Mysql would corrupt the datafiles... ;)