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Module: hostlogo

hostlogo, by default, displays a spinning fish emblem (the xiph.org logo) over the machine's hostname. It can, in fact, display any text label and/or XPM (including, obviously, animated XPMs).

Current platforms



multiple allowed

additional resources

ipad, label, logopixmap

ipad specifies an internal padding to add to the inside of all four module borders. The padding is added inside any relief.

label is a standard resource, which hostlogo uses to set the default label (the hostname).

'logopixmap' may be set to the filename of any XPM file; this XPM will then be displayed instead of the spinning fish.

note that the refresh rate is set inside the XPM at the 'Animated' comment. See lib/fishframe.xpm for an example. This value may be overridden using scalerefresh.

Resource defaults

Resource defaults explicitly altered from the global defaults by this module:

MGM will not get your whites whiter or your colors brighter. It will, however, sit there and look spiffy while sucking down a major honking wad of RAM.

MGM, Xiphophorus and their logos are trademarks (tm) of Xiphophorus. These pages are copyright (C) 1994-1999 Xiphophorus. All rights reserved.