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MGM User and General Discussion Mailing List

Any and all other topics pertaining to MGM are welcome on the general purpose discussion list mgm@xiph.org.

Assuming that the email preferences in your web browser are set up correctly, you can use the following form submission to subscribe:

Traditional method: send a message containing only the one-word line 'subscribe' in the body to mgm-request@xiph.org. Do not send subscription requests directly to the main list; they will be silently ignored.

MGM Release Announcement Mailing List

The mgm-announce list only gets news about new releases of MGM and related software. No prattling, no discussion, all business. Assuming that the email preferences in your web browser are set up correctly, you can use the following form submission to subscribe:

Traditional method is as described above: send a message containing only the one-word line 'subscribe' in the body to mgm-announce-request@xiph.org.

MGM Developer Mailing list

The mgm-dev@xiph.org mailing list is intended for MGM developers to coordinate devlopment and discuss development topics/ideas. Please restrict discussion on the mgm-dev list to those topics.

Assuming that the email preferences in your web browser are set up correctly, you can use the following form submission to subscribe:

Traditional method as above; address subscriptions to mgm-dev-request@xiph.org.

MGM will not get your whites whiter or your colors brighter. It will, however, sit there and look spiffy while sucking down a major honking wad of RAM.

MGM, Xiphophorus and their logos are trademarks (tm) of Xiphophorus. These pages are copyright (C) 1994-1999 Xiphophorus. All rights reserved.