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Resource: widdemand


Module class or instance

possible settings

>0 (12 is default)


widdemand is used along with lendemand and the per-module scalelenadj and scalewidadj to determine the actual requested size of the MGM window when a geometry is not explicitly set. See the geometry page for a description of how these resources interact to determine overall window geometry and sizing/placement of individual modules.

widdemand specifically maps the global scale width adjustment, a relative number, to an actual number of pixels; the global width adjustment is multiplied by the widdemand setting and divided by 100. The result is then used as the desired window width for a an MGM window with vertical bars or the widow height for an MGM window with horizontal bars.

see also

bars, geometry, lendemand scalelenadj, scalewidadj,

MGM will not get your whites whiter or your colors brighter. It will, however, sit there and look spiffy while sucking down a major honking wad of RAM.

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