------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Title : Interface VGA -- Project : theora-fpga ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- File : interface_vga.vhd -- Author : Leonardo de Paula Rosa Piga -- Company : LSC - IC - UNICAMP -- Last update: 2007/08/24 -- Platform : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Description: Send the pixels from the RGB memory to the video controller ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; entity interface_vga is generic ( DEPTH : natural := 8192; -- RGB MEMORY DEPTH ADDR_WIDTH : natural := 13; -- RGB MEMORY ADDRESS WIDTH DATA_WIDTH : natural := 24; -- RGB MEMORY DATA WIDTH ZOOM : natural range 0 to 7 := 4 -- Image will be scaled to ZOOM ); port( video_clock : in std_logic; reset_n : in std_logic; -- reset --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Ports of RGB frame memory --------------------------------------------------------------------------- rgb_rd_addr : out unsigned(ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); rgb_rd_data : in signed(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Port of RGB frame memory control access --------------------------------------------------------------------------- can_read_mem : in std_logic; video_width : in unsigned(11 downto 0); video_height : in unsigned(11 downto 0); red : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- red component green : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- green component blue : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- blue component line_pixel : out std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); -- compute line column_pixel : out std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); -- compute column m1, m2 : out std_logic; -- select dac mode blank_n : out std_logic; -- dac command sync_n : out std_logic; -- dac command sync_t : out std_logic; -- dac command video_clk : out std_logic; -- dac command vga_vs : out std_logic; -- vertical sync vga_hs : out std_logic -- horizontal sync ); end interface_vga; architecture a_lancelot of interface_vga is constant HORIZ_RES : natural := 640; -- Horizontal Resolution constant HSYNC_BACK_PORCH_W : natural := 40; constant HSYNC_FRONT_PORCH_W : natural := 25; constant HSYNC_PULSE_WIDTH : natural := 95; constant VERT_RES : natural := 480; -- Vertical Resolution constant VSYNC_BACK_PORCH_W : natural := 22; constant VSYNC_FRONT_PORCH_W : natural := 10; constant VSYNC_PULSE_W : natural := 2; -- constant HORIZ_RES : natural := 160; -- Horizontal Resolution -- constant HSYNC_BACK_PORCH_W : natural := 40; -- constant HSYNC_FRONT_PORCH_W : natural := 25; -- constant HSYNC_PULSE_WIDTH : natural := 95; -- constant VERT_RES : natural := 120; -- Vertical Resolution -- constant VSYNC_BACK_PORCH_W : natural := 22; -- constant VSYNC_FRONT_PORCH_W : natural := 10; -- constant VSYNC_PULSE_W : natural := 2; -- DAC State Machine type dac_mode_state_type is ( ds0, ds1, ds2, ds3, ds4 ); signal dac_mode_current_state, dac_mode_next_state : dac_mode_state_type; type sync_mem_state_t is (stt_sync_mem1, stt_sync_mem2); signal sync_mem_state : sync_mem_state_t; signal count_h, count_v : natural RANGE 0 TO 2043; signal video_on_v, video_on_h : std_logic; signal s_rgb_rd_addr : unsigned(ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); signal repeat_line : natural range 0 to 7; signal repeat_col : natural range 0 to 7; signal count_disp_c : natural RANGE 0 TO 1023; signal scale_x : natural range 0 to 16383; signal scale_y : natural range 0 to 16383; signal max_count : unsigned(20 downto 0); begin -- fixed signals video_clk <= '1'; blank_n <= video_on_h and video_on_v; rgb_rd_addr <= s_rgb_rd_addr; ---------------------------------- -- Video DAC Mode state machine -- ---------------------------------- -- Set DAC in RGB mode and bias on all three channels process(video_clock, reset_n) begin if reset_n = '0' then dac_mode_current_state <= ds0; elsif (video_clock'event and video_clock = '1') then dac_mode_current_state <= dac_mode_next_state after 5 ns; end if; end process; process(dac_mode_current_state) begin sync_n <= '0'; m2 <= '0'; m1 <= '0'; sync_t <= '0'; case dac_mode_current_state is when ds0 => dac_mode_next_state <= ds1; when ds1 => sync_n <= '1'; m2 <= '0'; m1 <= '0'; sync_t <= '0'; dac_mode_next_state <= ds2; -- bias on all three channels when ds2 => sync_n <= '0'; m2 <= '1'; m1 <= '0'; sync_t <= '0'; dac_mode_next_state <= ds3; when ds3 => sync_n <= '0'; m2 <= '1'; m1 <= '0'; sync_t <= '0'; dac_mode_next_state <= ds4; -- RGB mode when ds4 => sync_n <= '1'; m2 <= '0'; m1 <= '0'; sync_t <= '0'; dac_mode_next_state <= ds4; when others => sync_n <= '1'; m2 <= '0'; m1 <= '0'; sync_t <= '0'; dac_mode_next_state <= ds0; end case; end process; CalcLimits: process (video_clock, reset_n) begin -- process CalcLimits if reset_n = '0' then -- asynchronous reset (active low) scale_x <= 16383; scale_y <= 16383; max_count <= (others => '1'); elsif video_clock'event and video_clock = '1' then -- rising clock edge scale_x <= to_integer(video_width * ZOOM); scale_y <= to_integer(video_height * ZOOM); max_count <= resize(video_height * video_width, 21); end if; end process CalcLimits; timing: process (video_clock, reset_n) begin -- process timing if reset_n = '0' then -- asynchronous reset (active low) count_v <= 0; count_h <= 0; vga_hs <= '1'; vga_vs <= '1'; video_on_h <= '1'; video_on_v <= '1'; red <= x"00"; green <= x"00"; blue <= x"00"; sync_mem_state <= stt_sync_mem1; s_rgb_rd_addr <= (others => '0'); line_pixel <= (others => '1'); column_pixel <= (others => '1'); repeat_line <= 0; repeat_col <= 0; count_disp_c <= 0; elsif video_clock'event and video_clock = '1' then -- rising clock edge if (sync_mem_state = stt_sync_mem2) then if (count_h = (HORIZ_RES + HSYNC_BACK_PORCH_W + HSYNC_FRONT_PORCH_W + HSYNC_PULSE_WIDTH) - 1 ) then count_h <= 0; if (count_v = (VERT_RES + VSYNC_BACK_PORCH_W + VSYNC_FRONT_PORCH_W + VSYNC_PULSE_W) - 1 ) then count_v <= 0; else count_v <= count_v + 1; end if; else count_h <= count_h + 1; end if; if ((count_h >= HORIZ_RES + HSYNC_FRONT_PORCH_W) and (count_h < HORIZ_RES + HSYNC_FRONT_PORCH_W + HSYNC_PULSE_WIDTH)) then vga_hs <= '0'; else vga_hs <= '1'; end if; if ((count_v >= VERT_RES + VSYNC_FRONT_PORCH_W) and (count_v < VERT_RES + VSYNC_FRONT_PORCH_W + VSYNC_PULSE_W)) then vga_vs <= '0'; else vga_vs <= '1'; end if; -- blank_n signal if count_h < HORIZ_RES then video_on_h <= '1'; column_pixel <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(count_h,10)); else video_on_h <= '0'; end if; if count_v < VERT_RES then video_on_v <= '1'; line_pixel <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(count_v, 10)); else video_on_v <= '0'; end if; end if; if (can_read_mem = '1') then case sync_mem_state is when stt_sync_mem1 => s_rgb_rd_addr <= (others => '0'); sync_mem_state <= stt_sync_mem2; -- when stt_sync_mem2 => -- s_rgb_rd_addr <= s_rgb_rd_addr + 1; -- sync_mem_state <= stt_sync_mem3; when others => red <= x"00"; green <= x"00"; blue <= x"00"; if (count_h < scale_x) then if (count_v < scale_y) then red <= std_logic_vector(rgb_rd_data(23 downto 16)); green <= std_logic_vector(rgb_rd_data(15 downto 8)); blue <= std_logic_vector(rgb_rd_data(7 downto 0)); repeat_col <= repeat_col + 1; if (repeat_col = ZOOM - 1) then repeat_col <= 0; s_rgb_rd_addr <= s_rgb_rd_addr + 1; count_disp_c <= count_disp_c + 1; if (count_disp_c = video_width - 1) then s_rgb_rd_addr <= s_rgb_rd_addr - (video_width - 1); count_disp_c <= 0; repeat_line <= repeat_line + 1; if (repeat_line = ZOOM - 1) then repeat_line <= 0; s_rgb_rd_addr <= s_rgb_rd_addr + 1; if (s_rgb_rd_addr = max_count - 1) then s_rgb_rd_addr <= (others => '0'); end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end case; end if; end if; end process timing; end a_lancelot;