library std; library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; entity IDctSlow is port (Clk, Reset_n : in std_logic; in_request : out std_logic; in_valid : in std_logic; in_data : in signed(15 downto 0); in_quantmat : in signed(15 downto 0); out_requested : in std_logic; out_valid : out std_logic; out_data : out signed(15 downto 0) ); end entity IDctSlow; architecture rtl of IDctSlow is subtype ogg_int_16_t is signed(15 downto 0); subtype ogg_int_32_t is signed(31 downto 0); type mem64_t is array (0 to 63) of ogg_int_16_t; signal s_A, s_B, s_C, s_D, s_Ad, s_Bd, s_Cd, s_Dd, s_E, s_F, s_G, s_H : ogg_int_16_t; signal s_Ed, s_Gd, s_Add, s_Bdd, s_Fd, s_Hd : ogg_int_16_t; signal row_loop : std_logic; -- FSMs type state_t is (readIn,idct,writeOut); signal state : state_t; type idct_state_t is (idct_st1, idct_st2, idct_st3, idct_st4, idct_st5, idct_st6, idct_st7, idct_st8, idct_st9, idct_st10, idct_st11, idct_st12, idct_st13, idct_st14, idct_st15, idct_st16); signal idct_state : idct_state_t; type wout_state_t is (wout_st1, wout_st2, wout_st3); signal wout_state : wout_state_t; -- Memory signal mem_we : std_logic; signal mem_waddr : unsigned(5 downto 0); signal mem_wdata : ogg_int_16_t; signal mem_raddr1 : unsigned(5 downto 0); signal mem_rdata1 : ogg_int_16_t; signal mem_raddr2 : unsigned(5 downto 0); signal mem_rdata2 : ogg_int_16_t; -- Handshake subtype tiny_int is integer range 0 to 63; signal count : tiny_int; signal s_in_request : std_logic; signal s_out_valid : std_logic; type dezigzag_t is array (0 to 63) of unsigned(5 downto 0); constant dezigzag_index : dezigzag_t := ( "000000", "000001", "001000", "010000", "001001", "000010", "000011", "001010", "010001", "011000", "100000", "011001", "010010", "001011", "000100", "000101", "001100", "010011", "011010", "100001", "101000", "110000", "101001", "100010", "011011", "010100", "001101", "000110", "000111", "001110", "010101", "011100", "100011", "101010", "110001", "111000", "111001", "110010", "101011", "100100", "011101", "010110", "001111", "010111", "011110", "100101", "101100", "110011", "111010", "111011", "110100", "101101", "100110", "011111", "100111", "101110", "110101", "111100", "111101", "110110", "101111", "110111", "111110", "111111" ); -- cos(n*pi/16) or sin(8-n)*pi/16) constant xC1S7 : ogg_int_32_t := "00000000000000001111101100010101"; constant xC2S6 : ogg_int_32_t := "00000000000000001110110010000011"; constant xC3S5 : ogg_int_32_t := "00000000000000001101010011011011"; constant xC4S4 : ogg_int_32_t := "00000000000000001011010100000101"; constant xC5S3 : ogg_int_32_t := "00000000000000001000111000111010"; constant xC6S2 : ogg_int_32_t := "00000000000000000110000111111000"; constant xC7S1 : ogg_int_32_t := "00000000000000000011000111110001"; begin -- Data matrix 8 x 8 x 16 bits mem : entity work.dual_syncram generic map( DEPTH => 64, DATA_WIDTH => 16, ADDR_WIDTH => 6 ) port map(clk, mem_we, mem_waddr, mem_wdata, mem_raddr1, mem_rdata1, mem_raddr2, mem_rdata2 ); in_request <= s_in_request; out_valid <= s_out_valid; out_data <= mem_rdata1; process(clk) procedure ReadIn is begin s_out_valid <= '0'; -- came from WriteOut, out_valid must be 0 s_in_request <= '1'; if( s_in_request = '1' and in_valid = '1' )then mem_waddr <= dezigzag_index( count ); mem_wdata <= "*"( in_data, in_quantmat )(15 downto 0); mem_we <= '1'; if( count = 63 )then state <= idct; s_in_request <= '0'; count <= 0; else count <= count + 1; end if; end if; end procedure ReadIn; procedure WriteOut is begin case wout_state is when wout_st1 => wout_state <= wout_st2; mem_raddr1 <= to_unsigned(count,6); when wout_st2 => -- Wait for the memory delay wout_state <= wout_st3; s_out_valid <= '0'; when wout_st3 => s_out_valid <= '1'; if( out_requested = '1' )then if( count = 63 )then wout_state <= wout_st1; state <= readIn; -- on readIn state must set out_valid to 0 count <= 0; else wout_state <= wout_st2; mem_raddr1 <= to_unsigned(count + 1,6); count <= count + 1; end if; end if; when others => null; end case; end procedure WriteOut; procedure Idct is variable adjust: integer range 0 to 8; variable adjidx : integer range 0 to 8; variable shift : integer range 0 to 4; begin if (row_loop = '1') then adjust := 0; shift := 0; adjidx := 1; else adjust := 8; shift := 4; adjidx := 8; end if; case idct_state is when idct_st1 => idct_state <= idct_st2; mem_raddr1 <= to_unsigned(1*adjidx + count,6); mem_raddr2 <= to_unsigned(7*adjidx + count,6); when idct_st2 => idct_state <= idct_st3; mem_raddr1 <= to_unsigned(3*adjidx + count,6); mem_raddr2 <= to_unsigned(5*adjidx + count,6); when idct_st3 => idct_state <= idct_st4; s_A <= "*"(xC1S7,mem_rdata1)(31 downto 16) + "*"(xC7S1,mem_rdata2)(31 downto 16); s_B <= "*"(xC7S1,mem_rdata1)(31 downto 16) - "*"(xC1S7,mem_rdata2)(31 downto 16); mem_raddr1 <= to_unsigned(3*adjidx + count,6); mem_raddr2 <= to_unsigned(5*adjidx + count,6); when idct_st4 => idct_state <= idct_st5; s_C <= "*"(xC3S5,mem_rdata1)(31 downto 16) + "*"(xC5S3,mem_rdata2)(31 downto 16); s_D <= "*"(xC3S5,mem_rdata2)(31 downto 16) - "*"(xC5S3,mem_rdata1)(31 downto 16); mem_raddr1 <= to_unsigned(0*adjidx + count,6); mem_raddr2 <= to_unsigned(4*adjidx + count,6); when idct_st5 => idct_state <= idct_st6; s_Ad <= "*"(xC4S4,(s_A - s_C))(31 downto 16); s_Bd <= "*"(xC4S4,(s_B - s_D))(31 downto 16); s_Cd <= s_A + s_C; s_Dd <= s_B + s_D; mem_raddr1 <= to_unsigned(2*adjidx + count,6); mem_raddr2 <= to_unsigned(6*adjidx + count,6); when idct_st6 => idct_state <= idct_st7; s_E <= "*"(xC4S4,(mem_rdata1 + mem_rdata2))(31 downto 16); s_F <= "*"(xC4S4,(mem_rdata1 - mem_rdata2))(31 downto 16); when idct_st7 => idct_state <= idct_st8; s_G <= "*"(xC2S6,mem_rdata1)(31 downto 16) + "*"(xC6S2,mem_rdata2)(31 downto 16); s_H <= "*"(xC6S2,mem_rdata1)(31 downto 16) - "*"(xC2S6,mem_rdata2)(31 downto 16); when idct_st8 => idct_state <= idct_st9; s_Ed <= s_E - s_G + adjust; s_Gd <= s_E + s_G + adjust; s_Add <= s_F + s_Ad + adjust; s_Fd <= s_F - s_Ad + adjust; s_Bdd <= s_Bd - s_H; s_Hd <= s_Bd + s_H; when idct_st9 => idct_state <= idct_st10; mem_waddr <= to_unsigned(0*adjidx + count,6); mem_wdata <= shift_right(s_Gd + s_Cd,shift); mem_we <= '1'; when idct_st10 => idct_state <= idct_st11; mem_waddr <= to_unsigned(7*adjidx + count,6); mem_wdata <= shift_right(s_Gd - s_Cd,shift); mem_we <= '1'; when idct_st11 => idct_state <= idct_st12; mem_waddr <= to_unsigned(1*adjidx + count,6); mem_wdata <= shift_right(s_Add + s_Hd,shift); mem_we <= '1'; when idct_st12 => idct_state <= idct_st13; mem_waddr <= to_unsigned(2*adjidx + count,6); mem_wdata <= shift_right(s_Add - s_Hd,shift); mem_we <= '1'; when idct_st13 => idct_state <= idct_st14; mem_waddr <= to_unsigned(3*adjidx + count,6); mem_wdata <= shift_right(s_Ed + s_Dd,shift); mem_we <= '1'; when idct_st14 => idct_state <= idct_st15; mem_waddr <= to_unsigned(4*adjidx + count,6); mem_wdata <= shift_right(s_Ed - s_Dd,shift); mem_we <= '1'; when idct_st15 => idct_state <= idct_st16; mem_waddr <= to_unsigned(5*adjidx + count,6); mem_wdata <= shift_right(s_Fd + s_Bdd,shift); mem_we <= '1'; when idct_st16 => idct_state <= idct_st1; mem_waddr <= to_unsigned(6*adjidx + count,6); mem_wdata <= shift_right(s_Fd - s_Bdd,shift); mem_we <= '1'; if (row_loop = '1') then if ( count = 56 ) then count <= 0; row_loop <= '0'; else count <= count + 8; end if; else if ( count = 7 ) then count <= 0; row_loop <= '1'; state <= writeOut; else count <= count + 1; end if; end if; when others => null; end case; end procedure Idct; begin if( Reset_n = '0' ) then state <= readIn; idct_state <= idct_st1; wout_state <= wout_st1; s_in_request <= '0'; count <= 0; s_out_valid <= '0'; row_loop <= '1'; mem_we <= '0'; mem_waddr <= "000000"; mem_wdata <= "0000000000000000"; mem_raddr1 <= "000000"; mem_raddr2 <= "000000"; elsif(clk'event and clk = '1') then mem_we <= '0'; case state is when readIn => ReadIn; when idct => Idct; when writeOut => WriteOut; when others => ReadIn; state <= readIn; end case; end if; end process; end rtl;