library std; library ieee; library work; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; use work.all; entity ExpandBlock is port ( Clk, Reset_n : in std_logic; Enable : in std_logic; in_request : out std_logic; in_valid : in std_logic; in_data : in signed(31 downto 0); in_sem_request : out std_logic; in_sem_valid : in std_logic; in_sem_addr : out unsigned(19 downto 0); in_sem_data : in signed(31 downto 0); out_sem_requested : in std_logic; out_sem_valid : out std_logic; out_sem_addr : out unsigned(19 downto 0); out_sem_data : out signed(31 downto 0); in_newframe : in std_logic; out_done : out std_logic); end ExpandBlock; architecture a_ExpandBlock of ExpandBlock is component syncram generic ( DEPTH : positive := 64; -- How many slots DATA_WIDTH : positive := 16; -- How many bits per slot ADDR_WIDTH : positive := 6 -- = ceil(log2(DEPTH)) ); port ( clk : in std_logic; wr_e : in std_logic; wr_addr : in unsigned(ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); wr_data : in signed(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); rd_addr : in unsigned(ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); rd_data : out signed(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) ); end component; component ReconPixelIndex port (Clk, Reset_n : in std_logic; in_request : out std_logic; in_valid : in std_logic; in_data : in signed(31 downto 0); out_requested : in std_logic; out_valid : out std_logic; out_data : out signed(31 downto 0) ); end component; component clamp port ( x : in SIGNED(16 downto 0); sat : out UNSIGNED(7 downto 0)); end component; component IDctSlow port (Clk, Reset_n : in std_logic; in_request : out std_logic; in_valid : in std_logic; in_data : in signed(15 downto 0); in_quantmat : in signed(15 downto 0); out_requested : in std_logic; out_valid : out std_logic; out_data : out signed(15 downto 0) ); end component; -- We are using 1024 as the maximum width and height size -- = ceil(log2(Maximum Size)) constant LG_MAX_SIZE : natural := 10; constant MEM_ADDR_WIDTH : natural := 20; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signals that must be read at the beginning ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- signal HFragments : unsigned(LG_MAX_SIZE-3 downto 0); -- signal VFragments : unsigned(LG_MAX_SIZE-3 downto 0); signal YStride : unsigned(LG_MAX_SIZE+1 downto 0); signal UVStride : unsigned(LG_MAX_SIZE downto 0); signal YPlaneFragments : unsigned(LG_MAX_SIZE*2 downto 0); signal UVPlaneFragments : unsigned(LG_MAX_SIZE*2-2 downto 0); -- signal ReconYDataOffset : unsigned(MEM_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- signal ReconUDataOffset : unsigned(MEM_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- signal ReconVDataOffset : unsigned(MEM_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signal that must be read for all frames ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal FragCodMeth_FragNumber : unsigned(2 downto 0); -- signal FragCoefEOB_FragNumber : unsigned(31 downto 0); signal FragMVect_FragNumber_x : signed(31 downto 0); signal FragMVect_FragNumber_y : signed(31 downto 0); signal FragmentNumber : unsigned(31 downto 0); signal FrameType : unsigned(7 downto 0); signal GoldenFrameOfs : unsigned(MEM_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); signal ThisFrameReconOfs : unsigned(MEM_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); signal LastFrameReconOfs : unsigned(MEM_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Internal Signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal CodingMode : unsigned(2 downto 0); signal ReconPixelsPerLine : unsigned(MEM_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); signal MvShift : unsigned(1 downto 0); signal MvModMask : unsigned(31 downto 0); signal dequant_coeffs_Ofs : unsigned(8 downto 0); signal MVOffset : signed(31 downto 0); signal LastFrameRecPtr : unsigned(MEM_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); signal LastFrameRecPtr2 : unsigned(MEM_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); signal ReconPtr2Offset : signed(31 downto 0); signal s_in_request : std_logic; signal count : integer range 0 to 511; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- dequant_coeffs Offsets ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- constant Y_COEFFS_OFS : unsigned(8 downto 0) := "000000000"; constant U_COEFFS_OFS : unsigned(8 downto 0) := "001000000"; constant V_COEFFS_OFS : unsigned(8 downto 0) := "010000000"; constant INTERY_COEFFS_OFS : unsigned(8 downto 0) := "011000000"; constant INTERU_COEFFS_OFS : unsigned(8 downto 0) := "100000000"; constant INTERV_COEFFS_OFS : unsigned(8 downto 0) := "101000000"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CodingMode constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- constant CODE_INTER_NO_MV : unsigned(2 downto 0) := "000"; -- INTER prediction, (0,0) motion vector implied. constant CODE_INTRA : unsigned(2 downto 0) := "001"; -- INTRA i.e. no prediction. constant CODE_INTER_PLUS_MV : unsigned(2 downto 0) := "010"; -- INTER prediction, non zero motion vector. constant CODE_INTER_LAST_MV : unsigned(2 downto 0) := "011"; -- Use Last Motion vector constant CODE_INTER_PRIOR_LAST : unsigned(2 downto 0) := "100"; -- Prior last motion vector constant CODE_USING_GOLDEN : unsigned(2 downto 0) := "101"; -- 'Golden frame' prediction (no MV). constant CODE_GOLDEN_MV : unsigned(2 downto 0) := "110"; -- 'Golden frame' prediction plus MV. constant CODE_INTER_FOURMV : unsigned(2 downto 0) := "111"; -- Inter prediction 4MV per macro block. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ReconPixelIndex signal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- constant RPI_DATA_WIDTH : positive := 32; constant RPI_POS_WIDTH : positive := 17; signal rpi_position : unsigned(RPI_POS_WIDTH-1 downto 0); signal rpi_value : signed(RPI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); signal s_rpi_in_request : std_logic; signal s_rpi_in_valid : std_logic; signal s_rpi_in_data : signed(31 downto 0); signal s_rpi_out_requested : std_logic; signal s_rpi_out_valid : std_logic; signal s_rpi_out_data : signed(31 downto 0); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- constant KEY_FRAME : unsigned(7 downto 0) := "00000000"; type ModeUsesMC_t is array (0 to 7) of std_logic; constant ModeUsesMC : ModeUsesMC_t := ('0','0','1','1','1','0','1','1'); constant ZERO_M_VECTOR : signed(31 downto 0) := x"00000000"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- States and sub-states ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type state_t is (stt_readIn, stt_PreRecon, stt_Recon, stt_EndProc); signal state : state_t; type read_state_t is (stt_read1, stt_read_uniq_frame_data, stt_read_dqc, stt_read_qtl, stt_read2); signal read_state : read_state_t; type pre_recon_state_t is (stt_PrepIDct, stt_CallIDct, stt_RecIDct, stt_Calc_RPI_Value, stt_SelectRecons); signal pre_recon_state : pre_recon_state_t; type calc_rpi_state_t is (stt_calc_rpi1, stt_calc_rpi2); signal calc_rpi_state : calc_rpi_state_t; type select_recons_state_t is (stt_SelectRecons_1, stt_SelectRecons_2, stt_SelectRecons_3, stt_SelectRecons_4, stt_SelectRecons_5, stt_SelectRecons_6); signal select_recons_state : select_recons_state_t; type recon_state_t is (stt_Calculate_ReconIntra, stt_ReadPixels, stt_Calculate_ReconInter, stt_Calculate_ReconInterHalf, stt_WriteOut_Recon, stt_ReadMemory, stt_WriteMemory); signal recon_state, gotostate, gotostate2 : recon_state_t; type recon_calc_state_t is (stt_CalcRecon1, stt_CalcRecon2, stt_CalcRecon3, stt_CalcRecon4, stt_CalcRecon5, stt_CalcRecon6, stt_CalcRecon7, stt_CalcRecon8); signal recon_calc_state : recon_calc_state_t; type read_pixel_state_t is (stt_ReadPixels1, stt_ReadPixels2, stt_ReadPixels3, stt_ReadPixels4, stt_ReadPixels5, stt_ReadPixels6); signal read_pixel_state : read_pixel_state_t; type write_recon_state_t is (stt_WriteRecon1, stt_WriteRecon2, stt_WriteReconLast); signal write_recon_state : write_recon_state_t; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- IDct signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal out_idct_requested : std_logic; signal out_idct_valid : std_logic := '0'; signal out_idct_data : signed(15 downto 0); signal out_idct_quantmat : signed(15 downto 0); signal in_idct_request : std_logic := '0'; signal in_idct_valid : std_logic; signal in_idct_data : signed(15 downto 0); ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- IDct's handshake signals ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal s_out_idct_valid : std_logic; signal s_in_idct_request : std_logic; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Memories signals and constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Quantized list ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal qtl_wr_e : std_logic; signal qtl_wr_addr : unsigned(5 downto 0); signal qtl_wr_data : signed(15 downto 0); signal qtl_rd_addr : unsigned(5 downto 0); signal qtl_rd_data : signed(15 downto 0); ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Dequantizer coefficients ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal dqc_wr_e : std_logic; signal dqc_wr_addr : unsigned(8 downto 0); signal dqc_wr_data : signed(15 downto 0); signal dqc_rd_addr : unsigned(8 downto 0); signal dqc_rd_data : signed(15 downto 0); ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Recon Data Buffer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal rdb_wr_e : std_logic; signal rdb_wr_addr : unsigned(5 downto 0); signal rdb_wr_data : signed(15 downto 0); signal rdb_rd_addr : unsigned(5 downto 0); signal rdb_rd_data : signed(15 downto 0); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Reconstruct signals, constants and types ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subtype ogg_int_17_t is signed(16 downto 0); subtype ogg_int_16_t is signed(15 downto 0); subtype ogg_uint_16_t is unsigned(15 downto 0); subtype ogg_uint_8_t is unsigned(7 downto 0); subtype ogg_int_8_t is signed(7 downto 0); subtype ogg_uint_32_t is unsigned(31 downto 0); subtype tiny_int is integer range 0 to 255; signal sum : ogg_int_17_t; signal sat : ogg_uint_8_t; shared variable auxs17b : ogg_int_17_t; -- Handshake constant dC128 : ogg_int_17_t := "00000000010000000"; signal s_in_sem_request : std_logic; signal s_out_sem_valid : std_logic; signal colcount : tiny_int := 0; signal offset_RefPtr : unsigned(MEM_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); signal offset_RefPtr2 : unsigned(MEM_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); signal offset_ReconPtr : unsigned(MEM_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); --buffer type mem_8_8bits_t is array (0 to 7) of ogg_uint_8_t; signal Pixel : mem_8_8bits_t; signal Pixel1 : mem_8_8bits_t; -- Memories Signals signal mem_rd_data : signed(31 downto 0); begin -- a_ExpandBlock in_request <= s_in_request; in_sem_request <= s_in_sem_request; out_sem_valid <= s_out_sem_valid; clamp255_0: clamp port map (sum, sat); syncram_384_16: syncram generic map (DEPTH => 384, DATA_WIDTH => 16, ADDR_WIDTH => 9) port map (clk, dqc_wr_e, dqc_wr_addr, dqc_wr_data, dqc_rd_addr, dqc_rd_data); syncram_64_16: syncram generic map (DEPTH => 64, DATA_WIDTH => 16, ADDR_WIDTH => 6) port map (clk, rdb_wr_e, rdb_wr_addr, rdb_wr_data, rdb_rd_addr, rdb_rd_data); mem_64_int16: syncram generic map (64, 16, 6) port map (clk, qtl_wr_e, qtl_wr_addr, qtl_wr_data, qtl_rd_addr, qtl_rd_data); rpi0: reconpixelindex port map (Clk => Clk, Reset_n => Reset_n, in_request => s_rpi_out_requested, in_valid => s_rpi_out_valid, in_data => s_rpi_out_data, out_requested => s_rpi_in_request, out_valid => s_rpi_in_valid, out_data => s_rpi_in_data); idctslow0: IDctSlow port map(clk, Reset_n, out_idct_requested, out_idct_valid, out_idct_data, out_idct_quantmat, in_idct_request, in_idct_valid, in_idct_data); in_idct_request <= s_in_idct_request; out_idct_valid <= s_out_idct_valid; RPI_HandShake: process (in_data, in_valid, state, read_state, pre_recon_state, calc_rpi_state, rpi_position, s_in_request) begin -- process RPI_HandShake s_rpi_out_data <= x"00000000"; s_rpi_out_valid <= '0'; if (s_in_request = '1') then if (state = stt_readIn and read_state = stt_read1) then s_rpi_out_data <= in_data; s_rpi_out_valid <= in_valid; end if; else if (state = stt_PreRecon and pre_recon_state = stt_Calc_RPI_Value and calc_rpi_state = stt_calc_rpi1) then s_rpi_out_data <= resize(signed('0'&rpi_position), 32); s_rpi_out_valid <= '1'; end if; end if; end process RPI_HandShake; process (clk) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Procedures called when state is stt_readIn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Select the procedure called according the read_state --------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure read1 is begin if (count = 0) then -- HFragments <= unsigned(in_data(LG_MAX_SIZE-3 downto 0)); count <= count + 1; elsif (count = 1) then YPlaneFragments <= unsigned(in_data(LG_MAX_SIZE*2 downto 0)); count <= count + 1; elsif (count = 2) then YStride <= unsigned(in_data(LG_MAX_SIZE+1 downto 0)); count <= count + 1; elsif (count = 3) then UVPlaneFragments <= unsigned(in_data(LG_MAX_SIZE*2-2 downto 0)); count <= count + 1; elsif (count = 4) then UVStride <= unsigned(in_data(LG_MAX_SIZE downto 0)); count <= count + 1; elsif (count = 5) then -- VFragments <= unsigned(in_data(LG_MAX_SIZE-3 downto 0)); count <= count + 1; elsif (count = 6) then -- ReconYDataOffset <= unsigned(in_data(MEM_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0)); count <= count + 1; elsif (count = 7) then -- ReconUDataOffset <= unsigned(in_data(MEM_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0)); count <= count + 1; --elsif (count = 8) then else -- ReconVDataOffset <= unsigned(in_data(MEM_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0)); count <= 0; read_state <= stt_read_dqc; end if; end procedure read1; procedure read_dqc is begin dqc_wr_e <= '1'; dqc_wr_data <= signed(in_data(15 downto 0)); dqc_wr_addr <= dqc_wr_addr + 1; if (count = 0) then dqc_wr_addr <= Y_COEFFS_OFS; count <= count + 1; elsif (count = 383) then count <= 0; read_state <= stt_read_uniq_frame_data; else count <= count + 1; end if; end procedure read_dqc; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Procedure that read the parameters sent one time per frame --------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure ReadUniqFrameData is begin count <= count + 1; if (count = 0) then FrameType <= unsigned(in_data(7 downto 0)); elsif (count = 1) then GoldenFrameOfs <= unsigned(in_data(MEM_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0)); elsif (count = 2) then LastFrameReconOfs <= unsigned(in_data(MEM_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0)); --elsif (count = 3) then else ThisFrameReconOfs <= unsigned(in_data(MEM_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0)); count <= 0; read_state <= stt_read_qtl; end if; end procedure ReadUniqFrameData; procedure read_qtl is begin dqc_wr_e <= '0'; qtl_wr_e <= '1'; qtl_wr_data <= signed(in_data(15 downto 0)); qtl_wr_addr <= qtl_wr_addr + 1; if (count = 0) then qtl_wr_addr <= "000000"; count <= count + 1; elsif (count = 63) then count <= 0; read_state <= stt_read2; else count <= count + 1; end if; end procedure read_qtl; procedure read2 is begin qtl_wr_e <= '0'; if (count = 0) then FragCodMeth_FragNumber <= unsigned(in_data(2 downto 0)); count <= count + 1; elsif (count = 1) then -- FragCoefEOB_FragNumber <= unsigned(in_data(31 downto 0)); count <= count + 1; elsif (count = 2) then FragMVect_FragNumber_x <= in_data; count <= count + 1; elsif (count = 3) then FragMVect_FragNumber_y <= in_data; count <= count + 1; elsif (count = 4) then FragmentNumber <= unsigned(in_data); pre_recon_state <= stt_PrepIDct; read_state <= stt_read_qtl; state <= stt_PreRecon; s_in_request <= '0'; count <= 0; end if; end procedure read2; procedure ReadIn is begin s_in_request <= '1'; if (s_in_request = '1' and in_valid = '1') then case read_state is when stt_read1 => read1; when stt_read_uniq_frame_data => ReadUniqFrameData; when stt_read_dqc => read_dqc; when stt_read_qtl => read_qtl; when others => read2; end case; end if; end procedure ReadIn; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Procedures called when state is stt_PreRecon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure PrepareToCallIDct is begin if (count = 0) then -- Get coding mode for this block if (FrameType = KEY_FRAME) then CodingMode <= CODE_INTRA; else -- Get Motion vector and mode for this block. CodingMode <= FragCodMeth_FragNumber; end if; count <= count + 1; else -- Select the appropriate inverse Q matrix and line stride if (FragmentNumber < YPlaneFragments) then ReconPixelsPerLine <= resize(YStride, MEM_ADDR_WIDTH); MvShift <= "01"; MvModMask <= x"00000001"; -- Select appropriate dequantiser matrix. if (CodingMode = CODE_INTRA) then dequant_coeffs_Ofs <= Y_COEFFS_OFS; else dequant_coeffs_Ofs <= INTERY_COEFFS_OFS; end if; else ReconPixelsPerLine <= resize(UVStride, MEM_ADDR_WIDTH); MvShift <= "10"; MvModMask <= x"00000003"; -- Select appropriate dequantiser matrix. if (CodingMode = CODE_INTRA) then if (FragmentNumber < YPlaneFragments + UVPlaneFragments) then dequant_coeffs_Ofs <= U_COEFFS_OFS; else dequant_coeffs_Ofs <= V_COEFFS_OFS; end if; else if (FragmentNumber < YPlaneFragments + UVPlaneFragments) then dequant_coeffs_Ofs <= INTERU_COEFFS_OFS; else dequant_coeffs_Ofs <= INTERV_COEFFS_OFS; end if; end if; end if; count <= 0; pre_recon_state <= stt_CallIDct; end if; end procedure PrepareToCallIDct; procedure CallIDct is begin if (out_idct_requested = '1') then if (count = 0) then qtl_rd_addr <= "000000"; dqc_rd_addr <= dequant_coeffs_Ofs; count <= count + 1; elsif (count = 1) then -- Wait for the memory delay qtl_rd_addr <= qtl_rd_addr + 1; dqc_rd_addr <= dqc_rd_addr + 1; count <= count + 1; elsif (count = 64) then out_idct_data <= dqc_rd_data; out_idct_quantmat <= qtl_rd_data; s_out_idct_valid <= '1'; count <= count + 1; elsif (count = 65) then out_idct_data <= dqc_rd_data; out_idct_quantmat <= qtl_rd_data; s_out_idct_valid <= '1'; -- IDct can process. The module will be waiting it count <= 0; pre_recon_state <= stt_RecIDct; else qtl_rd_addr <= qtl_rd_addr + 1; dqc_rd_addr <= dqc_rd_addr + 1; out_idct_data <= dqc_rd_data; out_idct_quantmat <= qtl_rd_data; s_out_idct_valid <= '1'; count <= count + 1; end if; end if; end procedure CallIDct; procedure RecIDct is begin s_out_idct_valid <= '0'; s_in_idct_request <= '1'; if (count = 64) then pre_recon_state <= stt_Calc_RPI_Value; calc_rpi_state <= stt_calc_rpi1; count <= 0; s_in_idct_request <= '0'; -- Convert fragment number to a pixel offset in a reconstruction buffer. rpi_position <= resize(FragmentNumber, RPI_POS_WIDTH); else if (s_in_idct_request = '1' and in_idct_valid = '1') then rdb_wr_e <= '1'; rdb_wr_addr <= rdb_wr_addr + 1; rdb_wr_data <= in_idct_data; if (count = 0) then rdb_wr_addr <= "000000"; end if; count <= count + 1; end if; end if; end procedure RecIDct; procedure CalcRPIValue is begin case calc_rpi_state is when stt_calc_rpi1 => -- Wait until ReconPixelIndex can receive the data if (s_rpi_out_requested = '1') then calc_rpi_state <= stt_calc_rpi2; end if; when others => -- Wait until ReconPixelIndex returns the value s_rpi_in_request <= '1'; if (s_rpi_in_request = '1' and s_rpi_in_valid = '1') then rpi_value <= s_rpi_in_data; s_rpi_in_request <= '0'; pre_recon_state <= stt_SelectRecons; select_recons_state <= stt_SelectRecons_1; end if; end case; end procedure CalcRPIValue; procedure SelectRecons is begin if (select_recons_state = stt_SelectRecons_1) then rdb_wr_e <= '0'; -- Action depends on decode mode. if (CodingMode = CODE_INTER_NO_MV) then -- Inter with no motion vector -- Reconstruct the pixel data using the last frame Reconstructq'ction -- and change data when the motion vector is (0,0), the recon is -- based on the lastframe without loop filtering---- for testing offset_ReconPtr <= resize(ThisFrameReconOfs + unsigned(rpi_value), MEM_ADDR_WIDTH); offset_RefPtr <= resize(LastFrameReconOfs + unsigned(rpi_value), MEM_ADDR_WIDTH); offset_RefPtr2 <= x"00000"; rdb_rd_addr <= "000000"; gotostate <= stt_Calculate_ReconInter; recon_state <= stt_ReadPixels; state <= stt_Recon; elsif (ModeUsesMC(to_integer(CodingMode)) = '1') then -- Work out the base motion vector offset and the 1/2 pixel offset -- if any. For the U and V planes the MV specifies 1/4 pixel -- accuracy. This is adjusted to 1/2 pixel as follows ( 0->0, -- 1/4->1/2, 1/2->1/2, 3/4->1/2 ). ReconPtr2Offset <= x"00000000"; MVOffset <= x"00000000"; if (FragMVect_FragNumber_x > ZERO_M_VECTOR) then MVOffset <= SHIFT_RIGHT(FragMVect_FragNumber_x, to_integer(MvShift)); if ((FragMVect_FragNumber_x and signed(MvModMask)) /= x"00000000") then ReconPtr2Offset <= x"00000001"; end if; elsif (FragMVect_FragNumber_x < x"000000000") then MVOffset <= - SHIFT_RIGHT(- FragMVect_FragNumber_x, to_integer(MvShift)); if (((-FragMVect_FragNumber_x) and signed(MvModMask)) /= x"00000000") then ReconPtr2Offset <= x"FFFFFFFF"; end if; end if; select_recons_state <= stt_SelectRecons_2; elsif (CodingMode = CODE_USING_GOLDEN) then -- Golden frame with motion vector -- Reconstruct the pixel data using the golden frame -- reconstruction and change data offset_ReconPtr <= resize(ThisFrameReconOfs + unsigned(rpi_value), MEM_ADDR_WIDTH); offset_RefPtr <= resize(GoldenFrameOfs + unsigned(rpi_value), MEM_ADDR_WIDTH); offset_RefPtr2 <= x"00000"; rdb_rd_addr <= "000000"; gotostate <= stt_Calculate_ReconInter; recon_state <= stt_ReadPixels; state <= stt_Recon; else -- Simple Intra coding -- Get the pixel index for the first pixel in the fragment. offset_ReconPtr <= resize(ThisFrameReconOfs + unsigned(rpi_value), MEM_ADDR_WIDTH); offset_RefPtr <= x"00000"; offset_RefPtr2 <= x"00000"; rdb_rd_addr <= "000000"; gotostate <= stt_Calculate_ReconIntra; recon_state <= stt_Calculate_ReconIntra; state <= stt_Recon; end if; elsif (select_recons_state = stt_SelectRecons_2) then if (FragMVect_FragNumber_y > ZERO_M_VECTOR) then MVOffset <= resize( MVOffset + SHIFT_RIGHT(FragMVect_FragNumber_y, to_integer(MvShift)) * signed('0' & ReconPixelsPerLine), 32); if ((FragMVect_FragNumber_y and signed(MvModMask)) /= x"00000000") then ReconPtr2Offset <= ReconPtr2Offset + signed('0' & ReconPixelsPerLine); end if; elsif (FragMVect_FragNumber_y < ZERO_M_VECTOR) then MVOffset <= resize( MVOffset - SHIFT_RIGHT(-FragMVect_FragNumber_y, to_integer(MvShift)) * signed('0' & ReconPixelsPerLine), 32); if (((-FragMVect_FragNumber_y) and signed(MvModMask)) /= x"00000000") then ReconPtr2Offset <= ReconPtr2Offset - signed('0' & ReconPixelsPerLine); end if; end if; select_recons_state <= stt_SelectRecons_3; elsif (select_recons_state = stt_SelectRecons_3) then -- Set up the first of the two reconstruction buffer pointers. if (CodingMode = CODE_GOLDEN_MV) then LastFrameRecPtr <= resize( unsigned(('0' & signed(GoldenFrameOfs)) + rpi_value + MVOffset), MEM_ADDR_WIDTH); else LastFrameRecPtr <= resize( unsigned(('0' & signed(LastFrameReconOfs)) + rpi_value + MVOffset), MEM_ADDR_WIDTH); end if; select_recons_state <= stt_SelectRecons_4; elsif (select_recons_state = stt_SelectRecons_4) then -- Select the appropriate reconstruction function if (ReconPtr2Offset = x"00000000") then -- Reconstruct the pixel dats from the reference frame and change data -- (no half pixel in this case as the two references were the same. offset_ReconPtr <= resize(ThisFrameReconOfs + unsigned(rpi_value), MEM_ADDR_WIDTH); offset_RefPtr <= LastFrameRecPtr; offset_RefPtr2 <= x"00000"; rdb_rd_addr <= "000000"; gotostate <= stt_Calculate_ReconInter; recon_state <= stt_ReadPixels; state <= stt_Recon; else -- Fractional pixel reconstruction. -- Note that we only use two pixels per reconstruction even for -- the diagonal. offset_ReconPtr <= resize(ThisFrameReconOfs + unsigned(rpi_value), MEM_ADDR_WIDTH); offset_RefPtr <= LastFrameRecPtr; offset_RefPtr2 <= resize( unsigned(signed('0' & LastFrameRecPtr) + ReconPtr2Offset), MEM_ADDR_WIDTH); rdb_rd_addr <= "000000"; gotostate <= stt_Calculate_ReconInterHalf; recon_state <= stt_ReadPixels; state <= stt_Recon; end if; end if; end procedure SelectRecons; procedure PreRecon is begin case pre_recon_state is when stt_PrepIDct => PrepareToCallIDct; when stt_CallIDct => CallIDct; when stt_RecIDct => RecIDct; when stt_Calc_RPI_Value => CalcRPIValue; -- when stt_SelectRecons = other when others => SelectRecons; end case; end procedure PreRecon; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Procedures called when state is stt_Recon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ReconIntra --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Parameters: -- ReconPixelsPerLine - 'Distance' to the next buffer's pixel -- gotostate - Must be stt_Calculate_ReconIntra -- rdb_rd_addr - Must be zero -- offset_ReconPtr - offset to write -- offset_RefPtr - Must be zero -- offset_RefPtr2 - Must be zero procedure Calculate_ReconIntra is begin if (count = 8) then out_done <= '1'; recon_calc_state <= stt_CalcRecon1; state <= stt_EndProc; count <= 0; else if (recon_calc_state = stt_CalcRecon1) then rdb_rd_addr <= rdb_rd_addr + 1; recon_calc_state <= stt_CalcRecon2; elsif (recon_calc_state = stt_CalcRecon2) then sum <= rdb_rd_data + dC128; recon_calc_state <= stt_CalcRecon3; -- Wait the clamp else rdb_rd_addr <= rdb_rd_addr + 1; Pixel(colcount) <= sat; colcount <= colcount + 1; recon_calc_state <= stt_CalcRecon2; if (colcount = 7) then rdb_rd_addr <= rdb_rd_addr; recon_state <= stt_WriteOut_Recon; colcount <= 0; recon_calc_state <= stt_CalcRecon1; end if; end if; end if; end procedure Calculate_ReconIntra; procedure ReadPixels is variable pointer : unsigned(1 downto 0); begin if (read_pixel_state = stt_ReadPixels1) then s_in_sem_request <= '1'; in_sem_addr <= SHIFT_RIGHT(offset_RefPtr, 2); recon_state <= stt_ReadMemory; gotostate2 <= stt_ReadPixels; if (offset_RefPtr(1 downto 0) = "00") then read_pixel_state <= stt_ReadPixels2; else read_pixel_state <= stt_ReadPixels4; end if; elsif (read_pixel_state = stt_ReadPixels2) then Pixel(0) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(31 downto 24)); Pixel(1) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(23 downto 16)); Pixel(2) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(15 downto 8)); Pixel(3) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(7 downto 0)); s_in_sem_request <= '1'; in_sem_addr <= SHIFT_RIGHT(offset_RefPtr + 4, 2); recon_state <= stt_ReadMemory; gotostate2 <= stt_ReadPixels; read_pixel_state <= stt_ReadPixels3; elsif (read_pixel_state = stt_ReadPixels3) then Pixel(4) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(31 downto 24)); Pixel(5) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(23 downto 16)); Pixel(6) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(15 downto 8)); Pixel(7) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(7 downto 0)); if (gotostate = stt_Calculate_ReconInter) then rdb_rd_addr <= rdb_rd_addr + 1; end if; -- The eigth pixels have already been brought from buffer recon_state <= gotostate; read_pixel_state <= stt_ReadPixels1; elsif (read_pixel_state = stt_ReadPixels4) then -- If offset_RefPtr is not a multiple of 4 case offset_RefPtr(1 downto 0) is when "01" => Pixel(0) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(23 downto 16)); Pixel(1) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(15 downto 8)); Pixel(2) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(7 downto 0)); when "10" => Pixel(0) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(15 downto 8)); Pixel(1) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(7 downto 0)); when others => Pixel(0) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(7 downto 0)); end case; s_in_sem_request <= '1'; in_sem_addr <= SHIFT_RIGHT(offset_RefPtr + 4, 2); recon_state <= stt_ReadMemory; gotostate2 <= stt_ReadPixels; read_pixel_state <= stt_ReadPixels5; elsif (read_pixel_state = stt_ReadPixels5) then case offset_RefPtr(1 downto 0) is when "01" => pointer := "11"; when "10" => pointer := "10"; when others => pointer := "01"; end case; Pixel(0 + to_integer(pointer)) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(31 downto 24)); Pixel(1 + to_integer(pointer)) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(23 downto 16)); Pixel(2 + to_integer(pointer)) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(15 downto 8)); Pixel(3 + to_integer(pointer)) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(7 downto 0)); s_in_sem_request <= '1'; in_sem_addr <= SHIFT_RIGHT(offset_RefPtr + 8, 2); recon_state <= stt_ReadMemory; gotostate2 <= stt_ReadPixels; read_pixel_state <= stt_ReadPixels6; elsif (read_pixel_state = stt_ReadPixels6) then case offset_RefPtr(1 downto 0) is when "01" => Pixel(7) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(31 downto 24)); when "10" => Pixel(6) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(31 downto 24)); Pixel(7) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(23 downto 16)); when others => Pixel(5) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(31 downto 24)); Pixel(6) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(23 downto 16)); Pixel(7) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(15 downto 8)); end case; if (gotostate = stt_Calculate_ReconInter) then rdb_rd_addr <= rdb_rd_addr + 1; end if; -- The eigth pixels have already been brought from buffer recon_state <= gotostate; read_pixel_state <= stt_ReadPixels1; end if; end procedure ReadPixels; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ReconInter --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Parameters: -- ReconPixelsPerLine - 'Distance' to the next buffer's pixel -- gotostate - Must be stt_ReadRefPtr -- rdb_rd_addr - Must be zero -- offset_ReconPtr - offset to write -- offset_RefPtr - offset of the reference buffer -- offset_RefPtr2 - Must be zero procedure Calculate_ReconInter is begin if (count = 8) then out_done <= '1'; recon_calc_state <= stt_CalcRecon1; state <= stt_EndProc; count <= 0; else if (recon_calc_state = stt_CalcRecon1) then sum <= rdb_rd_data + ("000000000" & signed(Pixel(colcount))); recon_calc_state <= stt_CalcRecon2; -- Wait the clamp else rdb_rd_addr <= rdb_rd_addr + 1; Pixel(colcount) <= sat; colcount <= colcount + 1; recon_calc_state <= stt_CalcRecon1; if (colcount = 7) then rdb_rd_addr <= rdb_rd_addr; recon_state <= stt_WriteOut_Recon; colcount <= 0; recon_calc_state <= stt_CalcRecon1; end if; end if; end if; end procedure Calculate_ReconInter; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ReconInterHalf --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Parameters: -- ReconPixelsPerLine - 'Distance' to the next buffer's pixel -- gotostate - Must be stt_ReadRefPtr -- rdb_rd_addr - Must be zero -- offset_ReconPtr - offset to write -- offset_RefPtr - offset of the first reference buffer -- offset_RefPtr2 - offset of the second reference buffer procedure Calculate_ReconInterHalf is variable pointer : unsigned(1 downto 0); begin if (count = 8) then out_done <= '1'; recon_calc_state <= stt_CalcRecon1; state <= stt_EndProc; count <= 0; else if (recon_calc_state = stt_CalcRecon1) then s_in_sem_request <= '1'; in_sem_addr <= SHIFT_RIGHT(offset_RefPtr2, 2); recon_state <= stt_ReadMemory; gotostate2 <= gotostate; -- if offset_RefPtr2 mod 4 = 0 if (offset_RefPtr2(1 downto 0) = "00") then recon_calc_state <= stt_CalcRecon2; else recon_calc_state <= stt_CalcRecon4; end if; elsif (recon_calc_state = stt_CalcRecon2) then Pixel1(0) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(31 downto 24)); Pixel1(1) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(23 downto 16)); Pixel1(2) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(15 downto 8)); Pixel1(3) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(7 downto 0)); s_in_sem_request <= '1'; in_sem_addr <= SHIFT_RIGHT(offset_RefPtr2 + 4, 2); recon_state <= stt_ReadMemory; gotostate2 <= gotostate; recon_calc_state <= stt_CalcRecon3; elsif (recon_calc_state = stt_CalcRecon3) then Pixel1(4) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(31 downto 24)); Pixel1(5) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(23 downto 16)); Pixel1(6) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(15 downto 8)); Pixel1(7) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(7 downto 0)); rdb_rd_addr <= rdb_rd_addr + 1; recon_calc_state <= stt_CalcRecon7; elsif (recon_calc_state = stt_CalcRecon4) then -- If offset_RefPtr2 is not a multiple of 4 case offset_RefPtr2(1 downto 0) is when "01" => Pixel1(0) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(23 downto 16)); Pixel1(1) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(15 downto 8)); Pixel1(2) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(7 downto 0)); when "10" => Pixel1(0) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(15 downto 8)); Pixel1(1) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(7 downto 0)); when others => Pixel1(0) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(7 downto 0)); end case; s_in_sem_request <= '1'; in_sem_addr <= SHIFT_RIGHT(offset_RefPtr2 + 4, 2); recon_state <= stt_ReadMemory; gotostate2 <= gotostate; recon_calc_state <= stt_CalcRecon5; elsif (recon_calc_state = stt_CalcRecon5) then case offset_RefPtr2(1 downto 0) is when "01" => pointer := "11"; when "10" => pointer := "10"; when others => pointer := "01"; end case; Pixel1(0 + to_integer(pointer)) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(31 downto 24)); Pixel1(1 + to_integer(pointer)) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(23 downto 16)); Pixel1(2 + to_integer(pointer)) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(15 downto 8)); Pixel1(3 + to_integer(pointer)) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(7 downto 0)); s_in_sem_request <= '1'; in_sem_addr <= SHIFT_RIGHT(offset_RefPtr2 + 8, 2); recon_state <= stt_ReadMemory; gotostate2 <= gotostate; recon_calc_state <= stt_CalcRecon6; elsif (recon_calc_state = stt_CalcRecon6) then case offset_RefPtr2(1 downto 0) is when "01" => Pixel1(7) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(31 downto 24)); when "10" => Pixel1(6) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(31 downto 24)); Pixel1(7) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(23 downto 16)); when others => Pixel1(5) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(31 downto 24)); Pixel1(6) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(23 downto 16)); Pixel1(7) <= unsigned(mem_rd_data(15 downto 8)); end case; rdb_rd_addr <= rdb_rd_addr + 1; recon_calc_state <= stt_CalcRecon7; elsif (recon_calc_state = stt_CalcRecon7) then sum <= rdb_rd_data + SHIFT_RIGHT( ("000000000" & signed(Pixel(colcount))) + ("000000000" & signed(Pixel1(colcount))) , 1); recon_calc_state <= stt_CalcRecon8; -- Wait the clamp else rdb_rd_addr <= rdb_rd_addr + 1; Pixel(colcount) <= sat; colcount <= colcount + 1; recon_calc_state <= stt_CalcRecon7; if (colcount = 7) then rdb_rd_addr <= rdb_rd_addr; recon_state <= stt_WriteOut_Recon; colcount <= 0; recon_calc_state <= stt_CalcRecon1; end if; end if; end if; end procedure Calculate_ReconInterHalf; procedure WriteOut_Recon is begin if (write_recon_state = stt_WriteRecon1) then out_sem_addr <= SHIFT_RIGHT(offset_ReconPtr, 2); out_sem_data <= signed(Pixel(0)) & signed(Pixel(1)) & signed(Pixel(2)) & signed(Pixel(3)); s_out_sem_valid <= '1'; write_recon_state <= stt_WriteRecon2; recon_state <= stt_WriteMemory; elsif (write_recon_state <= stt_WriteRecon2) then out_sem_addr <= SHIFT_RIGHT(offset_ReconPtr + 4, 2); out_sem_data <= signed(Pixel(4)) & signed(Pixel(5)) & signed(Pixel(6)) & signed(Pixel(7)); s_out_sem_valid <= '1'; write_recon_state <= stt_WriteReconLast; recon_state <= stt_WriteMemory; else --write_recon_state = stt_WriteReconLast; write_recon_state <= stt_WriteRecon1; recon_state <= stt_ReadPixels; if (gotostate = stt_Calculate_ReconIntra) then recon_state <= gotostate; end if; offset_ReconPtr <= offset_ReconPtr + ReconPixelsPerLine; offset_RefPtr <= offset_RefPtr + ReconPixelsPerLine; offset_RefPtr2 <= offset_RefPtr2 + ReconPixelsPerLine; count <= count + 1; end if; end procedure WriteOut_Recon; procedure ReadMemory is begin s_in_sem_request <= '1'; if (s_in_sem_request = '1' and in_sem_valid = '1') then mem_rd_data <= in_sem_data; s_in_sem_request <= '0'; recon_state <= gotostate2; end if; end procedure ReadMemory; procedure WriteMemory is begin if (out_sem_requested = '1') then recon_state <= stt_WriteOut_Recon; s_out_sem_valid <= '0'; end if; end procedure WriteMemory; procedure Recon is begin case recon_state is when stt_WriteOut_Recon => WriteOut_Recon; when stt_WriteMemory => WriteMemory; when stt_ReadMemory => ReadMemory; when stt_ReadPixels => ReadPixels; when stt_Calculate_ReconInterHalf => Calculate_ReconInterHalf; when stt_Calculate_ReconInter => Calculate_ReconInter; --when stt_Calculate_ReconIntra => Calculate_ReconIntra; when others => Calculate_ReconIntra; end case; end procedure Recon; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Procedures called when state is stt_EndProc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure EndProc is begin count <= 0; out_done <= '0'; state <= stt_readIn; end procedure EndProc; begin -- process if (clk'event and clk = '1') then if (Reset_n = '0') then state <= stt_readIn; read_state <= stt_read1; pre_recon_state <= stt_PrepIDct; select_recons_state <= stt_SelectRecons_1; read_pixel_state <= stt_ReadPixels1; write_recon_state <= stt_WriteRecon1; s_in_request <= '0'; s_in_sem_request <= '0'; count <= 0; s_out_sem_valid <= '0'; out_done <= '0'; s_out_idct_valid <= '0'; s_in_idct_request <= '0'; colcount <= 0; sum <= '0' & x"0000"; rpi_position <= '0' & x"0000"; -- HFragments <= x"11"; -- VFragments <= x"00"; YStride <= x"000"; UVStride <= "000" & x"00"; YPlaneFragments <= '0' & x"00000"; UVPlaneFragments <= "000" & x"0000"; -- ReconYDataOffset <= x"00000"; -- ReconUDataOffset <= x"00000"; -- ReconVDataOffset <= x"00000"; qtl_wr_e <= '0'; qtl_wr_addr <= "000000"; qtl_wr_data <= "0000000000000000"; qtl_rd_addr <= "000000"; dqc_wr_e <= '0'; dqc_wr_addr <= "000000000"; dqc_wr_data <= "0000000000000000"; dqc_rd_addr <= "000000000"; rdb_wr_e <= '0'; rdb_wr_addr <= "000000"; rdb_wr_data <= "0000000000000000"; rdb_rd_addr <= "000000"; else s_in_request <= '0'; if (Enable = '1') then -- If is a new frame should read the dequantized matrix again. if (in_newframe = '1') then read_state <= stt_read_dqc; end if; case state is when stt_readIn => ReadIn; when stt_PreRecon => PreRecon; when stt_Recon => Recon; when others => EndProc; end case; end if; end if; end if; end process; end a_ExpandBlock;