library std; library ieee; library work; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; use work.all; entity ReconFrames is port ( Clk, Reset_n : in std_logic; Enable : in std_logic; in_request : out std_logic; in_valid : in std_logic; in_data : in signed(31 downto 0); in_sem_request : out std_logic; in_sem_valid : in std_logic; in_sem_addr : out unsigned(19 downto 0); in_sem_data : in signed(31 downto 0); out_sem_requested : in std_logic; out_sem_valid : out std_logic; out_sem_addr : out unsigned(19 downto 0); out_sem_data : out signed(31 downto 0); out_done : out std_logic; out_eb_done : out std_logic); end ReconFrames; architecture a_ReconFrames of ReconFrames is component ExpandBlock port ( Clk, Reset_n : in std_logic; Enable : in std_logic; in_request : out std_logic; in_valid : in std_logic; in_data : in signed(31 downto 0); in_sem_request : out std_logic; in_sem_valid : in std_logic; in_sem_addr : out unsigned(19 downto 0); in_sem_data : in signed(31 downto 0); out_sem_requested : in std_logic; out_sem_valid : out std_logic; out_sem_addr : out unsigned(19 downto 0); out_sem_data : out signed(31 downto 0); in_newframe : in std_logic; out_done : out std_logic); end component; constant LG_MAX_SIZE : natural := 10; constant MEM_ADDR_WIDTH : natural := 20; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ExpandBlock's signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal out_eb_request : std_logic; signal out_eb_valid : std_logic := '0'; signal out_eb_data : signed(31 downto 0); signal in_eb_DtBuf_request : std_logic; signal in_eb_DtBuf_valid : std_logic; signal in_eb_DtBuf_addr : unsigned(MEM_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); signal in_eb_DtBuf_data : signed(31 downto 0); signal out_eb_DtBuf_request : std_logic; signal out_eb_DtBuf_valid : std_logic; signal out_eb_DtBuf_addr : unsigned(19 downto 0); signal out_eb_DtBuf_data : signed(31 downto 0); signal eb_done : std_logic; signal eb_enable : std_logic; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Internal signals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal QuantDispFrags : unsigned(LG_MAX_SIZE*2-1 downto 0); signal count : integer; signal countExpand : unsigned(LG_MAX_SIZE*2-1 downto 0); signal s_in_request : std_logic; signal s_out_done : std_logic; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- States and sub-states ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type state_t is (stt_Read, stt_Proc); signal state : state_t; type read_state_t is (stt_read_HFragments, stt_read_YPlaneFragments, stt_read_YStride, stt_read_UVPlaneFragments, stt_read_UVStride, stt_read_VFragments, stt_read_ReconYDataOffset, stt_read_ReconUDataOffset, stt_read_ReconVDataOffset, stt_read_QuantDispFrags, stt_read_Others); signal read_state : read_state_t; begin -- a_ReconFrames expandblock0: expandblock port map( Clk => clk, Reset_n => reset_n, Enable => eb_enable, in_request => out_eb_request, in_valid => out_eb_valid, in_data => out_eb_data, in_sem_request => out_eb_DtBuf_request, in_sem_valid => out_eb_DtBuf_valid, in_sem_addr => out_eb_DtBuf_addr, in_sem_data => out_eb_DtBuf_data, out_sem_requested => in_eb_DtBuf_request, out_sem_valid => in_eb_DtBuf_valid, out_sem_addr => in_eb_DtBuf_addr, out_sem_data => in_eb_DtBuf_data, in_newframe => s_out_done, out_done => eb_done ); in_sem_request <= out_eb_DtBuf_request; out_eb_DtBuf_valid <= in_sem_valid; in_sem_addr <= out_eb_DtBuf_addr; out_eb_DtBuf_data <= in_sem_data; in_eb_DtBuf_request <= out_sem_requested; out_sem_valid <= in_eb_DtBuf_valid; out_sem_addr <= in_eb_DtBuf_addr; out_sem_data <= in_eb_DtBuf_data; out_eb_data <= in_data; in_request <= s_in_request; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Put the s_out_done signal on the output port ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- out_done <= s_out_done; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Switch the in_request ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- process(read_state, out_eb_request, in_valid, Enable) begin s_in_request <= out_eb_request; out_eb_valid <= in_valid; if (read_state = stt_read_QuantDispFrags) then s_in_request <= '1'; out_eb_valid <= '0'; end if; if (Enable = '0') then s_in_request <= '0'; out_eb_valid <= '0'; end if; end process; process(clk) begin if (clk'event and clk = '1') then if (Reset_n = '0') then s_out_done <= '0'; count <= 0; countExpand <= to_unsigned(0, LG_MAX_SIZE*2); eb_enable <= '1'; QuantDispFrags <= to_unsigned(0, LG_MAX_SIZE*2); read_state <= stt_read_HFragments; else s_out_done <= '0'; out_eb_done <= '0'; if (Enable = '1') then case state is when stt_Read => -- assert false report "read_state = "&read_state_t'image(read_state) severity note; if (s_in_request = '1' and in_valid = '1') then -- assert false report "rf.in_data = "&integer'image(to_integer(in_data)) severity note; count <= count + 1; case read_state is when stt_read_HFragments => -- Count = 0 read_state <= stt_read_YPlaneFragments; when stt_read_YPlaneFragments => -- Count = 1 read_state <= stt_read_YStride; when stt_read_YStride => -- Count = 2 read_state <= stt_read_UVPlaneFragments; when stt_read_UVPlaneFragments => -- Count = 3 read_state <= stt_read_UVStride; when stt_read_UVStride => -- Count = 4 read_state <= stt_read_VFragments; when stt_read_VFragments => -- Count = 5 read_state <= stt_read_ReconYDataOffset; when stt_read_ReconYDataOffset => -- Count = 6 read_state <= stt_read_ReconUDataOffset; when stt_read_ReconUDataOffset => -- Count = 7 read_state <= stt_read_ReconVDataOffset; when stt_read_ReconVDataOffset => -- Count = 8 read_state <= stt_read_QuantDispFrags; when stt_read_QuantDispFrags => -- Count = 9 -- One per Frame -- QuantDispFrags is equal to pbi->CodedBlockIndex of the software read_state <= stt_read_Others; QuantDispFrags <= unsigned(in_data(LG_MAX_SIZE*2-1 downto 0)); when others => ----------------------------------------------------------- -- Forward to ExpandBlock the parameters below that are -- received only one time pre frame ----------------------------------------------------------- -- For Count = 10 to Count = 73 receive the -- pbi->dequant_Y_coeffs matrix ----------------------------------------------------------- -- For Count = 74 to Count = 137 receive the -- pbi->dequant_U_coeffs matrix ----------------------------------------------------------- -- For Count = 138 to Count = 201 receive the -- pbi->dequant_V_coeffs matrix ----------------------------------------------------------- -- For Count = 202 to Count = 265 receive the -- dequant_InterY_coeffs matrix ----------------------------------------------------------- -- For Count = 266 to Count = 329 receive the -- dequant_InterU_coeffs matrix ----------------------------------------------------------- -- For Count = 330 to Count = 393 receive the -- dequant_InterV_coeffs matrix ----------------------------------------------------------- -- If Count = 394 receive the pbi->FrameType value ----------------------------------------------------------- -- If Count = 395 receive the -- Offset of the GoldenFrame Buffer ----------------------------------------------------------- -- If Count = 396 receive the -- Offset of the LastFrame Buffer ----------------------------------------------------------- -- If Count = 397 receive the -- Offset of the ThisFrame Buffer ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -- Forward to ExpandBlock the parameters below that are -- received for all fragments ----------------------------------------------------------- -- For Count = 398 to Count = 461 receive the -- pbi->QFragData(number of the fragment to be expanded) -- matrix ------------------------------------------------------------ -- If Count = 462 receive the -- pbi->FragCodingMethod(number of the fragment to be expanded) -- value ----------------------------------------------------------- -- If Count = 463 receive the -- pbi->FragCoefEOB(number of the fragment to be expanded) -- value ----------------------------------------------------------- -- If Count = 464 receive the -- (pbi->FragMVect(number of the fragment to be expanded)).x -- value ----------------------------------------------------------- -- If Count = 465 receive the -- (pbi->FragMVect(number of the fragment to be expanded)).y -- value ----------------------------------------------------------- -- If Count = 466 receive the -- (number of fragment to be expanded) ----------------------------------------------------------- if (count = 466) then state <= stt_Proc; count <= 398; end if; end case; end if; when stt_Proc => if (eb_done = '1') then out_eb_done <= '1'; countExpand <= countExpand + 1; state <= stt_Read; if (countExpand = TO_INTEGER(QuantDispFrags-1)) then count <= 9; read_state <= stt_read_QuantDispFrags; countExpand <= to_unsigned(0, LG_MAX_SIZE*2); s_out_done <= '1'; end if; end if; end case; end if; end if; end if; end process; end a_ReconFrames;