The color conversion library currently supports the following conversions RGB32 to YV12 format RGB24 to YV12 format YVYU to YV12 format For each type of color space conversion there exists three functions, a generic C version, a version optimized for Pentium II processors and a version optimized for Pentium III processors. See C versions of each function for format of parameters etc. The C versions of the functions can be found in colorconversions.c The number of K cycles it takes each function to process a 320x240 image is given. The number given is the average of 100 runs of the function. The measurements were taken on a Pentium III 450 system with 128 Megs of memory running windows NT 4.0 with SP5. The release version of the project was run. Function File Kcycles Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CC_RGB32toYV12 colorconversions.c 1945 C version of function CC_RGB32toYV12_MMX CC_RGB32toYV12_MMX.asm 1346 Pentium II function version CC_RGB32toYV12_XMM CC_RGB32toYV12_XMM.asm 1208 Pentium III function version CC_RGB24toYV12 colorconversions.c xxxx C version of function CC_RGB24toYV12_MMX CC_RGB24toYV12_MMX.asm 1731 Pentium II version of function CC_RGB24toYV12_XMM CC_RGB24toYV12_XMM.asm 1592 Pentium III version of function CC_YVYUtoYV12 colorconversions.c 501 C version of function CC_YVYUtoYV12_MMX CC_YVYUtoYV12_MMX.asm 266 Pentium II version of function CC_YVYUtoYV12_XMM CC_YVYUtoYV12_XMM.asm 266 Pentium III version of function