Table of Contents

  1. Abstract
  2. Publication Status and authorship
  3. Example
  4. Element Definitions
  5. xml
  6. version
  7. encoding
  8. playlist
  9. xmlns
  10. version
  11. title
  12. annotation
  13. creator
  14. info
  15. location
  16. identifier
  17. image
  18. date
  19. license
  20. attribution
  21. link
  22. rel
  23. meta
  24. rel
  25. trackList
  26. track
  27. location
  28. identifier
  29. info
  30. image
  31. annotation
  32. creator
  33. title
  34. album
  35. trackNum
  36. duration
  37. link
  38. rel
  39. meta
  40. rel
  41. Recipes
  42. How do I set relative paths in an XSPF playlist, for example if I want to use it as a file manifest?
  43. Administrative
  44. Todo list