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QuickTime Components

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About the Xiph QuickTime Components.

Xiph QuickTime Components (XiphQT) is a set of QuickTime and Macintosh OS X plug-ins. Their role is to provide support for Xiph media compression and container formats.

If you are an end user: installing XiphQT components is all you need to start using Xiph-formatted media files in a variety of applications - for example, listening to Ogg/Vorbis files in QuickTime Player or iTunes. The programming interfaces used in XiphQT allow the provided functionality to be available transparently to all media handling applications using QuickTime or OS X component mechanisms.

If you are a programmer, you have built a Macintosh Core Audio or QuickTime-based application and would like to add Xiph formats support: most of the time there is hardly anything you will need to do to add support.


XiphQT is free software. It is released under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License.


XiphQT is a work in progress. The project is young and evolving, with new features and functionality planned or being added. However, we believe the features in the released binary packages are fairly stable. Hey, we even use the components everyday ourselves!

Of course, bugs happen. If you found one, please let us know!

Or perhaps you are feeling adventurous and would like to squish them yourself? Or work on some new features? Please check the developers' section.

More information about the status, supported formats and set of features of our latest release can be found in the release notes and XiphQT FAQ.


In any case, your feedback will be much appreciated. Even the negative comments, seriously. We will forge it into some useful bit of code, too!

More information...

For more information about Xiph.Org Foundation and the free media formats please see the main Xiph.org website.

More information about XiphQT underlying technologies can be found on Core Audio and QuickTime Apple web-pages.

Please see the Steve Nicolai's QuickTime Components project on SourceForge for information on the predecessor, and inspiration, of XiphQT.